Two Hospitals Available
Match with VHIS
Yes. BowtiePink customers will still need to pay the relevant deductible even after purchasing the Wellness Package. Please note that since BowtiePink is already designed to fully reimburse the costs of Designated Medical Packages, customers who add the wellness package will receive an additional HK$500 cash benefit when using a Designated Medical Package.
The cash benefit under the wellness package is calculated based on the number of Designated Medical Packages used, with no limit on the number of claims. You will receive HK$500 cash benefit for each use of a Designated Medical Package. This benefit is not constrained by the annual or lifetime benefit limits of your BowtiePink policy.
For product terms and conditions, please refer to the relevant product page.
BowtiePoint will only be valid for one year from the effective date of the wellness package insurance policy and cannot be accumulated for use.
Unused BowtiePoint cannot be converted into cash, transferred, or accumulated for the next policy year. Upon renewal, the BowtiePoints available for use within the package will be reset to 1,500 BowtiePoint.
Yes. Below listed details with regards to the waiting period of the Wellness Plan:
Applicable to new customer of Bowtie VHIS Flex Plan, BowtiePink & this Wellness Package:
Applicable for existing Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan or BowtiePink customers who add on this medical Wellness Package after the policy becomes effective:
For product terms and conditions, please refer to the relevant product page.
Bowtie has partnered with the Chinese University of Hong Kong Medical Centre (CUHKMC) and the Gleneagles Hong Kong Hospital (GHK) to launch the CUHKMC Medical Wellness Package and the GHK Wellness Package respectively. Both of these wellness packages are one-stop "Medical Insurance + Health" service products and serve as a rider for the Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan and BowtiePink. Flexi Plan and BowtiePink customers can add this wellness package for an additional $200/month to enjoy:
1. Annual Health Check-up (can add optional health check items recommended by doctors)
CUHKMC and GHK will offer pre-check medical consultations. In addition to basic health check-ups, you are also entitled to BowtiePoint, valued at HK$1500, which can be redeemed for designated optional health checks as recommended by your doctor.
2. Cash Benefit & Full Reimbursement for Designated Medical Packages
Get 1) an HK$500 Cash Benefit and 2) Full Reimbursement (applicable to Flexi Plan customers only) for the Designated Medical Packages. Each package covers doctors’ fees, room charges, and all other procedure-related standard items and medications.
💡Bowtie Pink plans already fully cover the costs of designated medical packages without utilizing the Wellness Package's benefits.
3. Cashless Settlement Application Waiver
By indicating yourself as a Bowtie customer during a pre-surgery medical consultation, Bowtie and GHK will automatically take care of the pre-approval application in respect of the medical package(s) selected by you, and you can enjoy a seamless cashless discharge process.
After purchasing the rider plan, even if you need to receive treatments at other hospitals, you will still get reimbursed for the costs according to the maximum limits of the Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan, with no restrictions on your treatment options.
This Wellness Package provides one-year coverage and it is lifetime annual renewal (non-guaranteed).