Early Myopia Control Plan for Kids.

Myopia Management Solutions

Early Myopia intervention can help protect your child’s eye health

As low as $3,360
eye exam
Myopia Control Solution
For kids aged 4+ 
Plan Details
🔥Limited-Time Offer: Free Scoliosis Test (value HK$2,000)
🔥Limited-Time Offer: Free Scoliosis Test (value HK$2,000)
🔥Limited-Time Offer: Free Scoliosis Test (value HK$2,000)
🔥Limited-Time Offer: Free Scoliosis Test (value HK$2,000)
🔥Limited-Time Offer: Free Scoliosis Test (value HK$2,000)
🔥Limited-Time Offer: Free Scoliosis Test (value HK$2,000)

Does your child have any of the following symptoms? If so, your child may be suffering from Myopia.

Moving closer to read?   

Squinting at the TV?

Lack of concentration?

Myopia can increase 0.80 diopter a year1

During the COVID-19 pandemic, children’s increased use of digital products to assist their learning is likely to exacerbate the progression of myopia. Patients with higher myopia are more likely to suffer from eye diseases in the long run, such as glaucoma, cataract, macular degeneration, etc.

Early intervention can slow down the progression of myopia by 60%2

The golden period for myopia control is between the ages of 6-12 years old2. The earlier the detection and management, the better. Regular eye examinations and early management of myopia can effectively slow down the progression of myopia, which helps children build confidence, have a happy childhood and reach their full potential.

Comprehensive eye exam to identify potential problems as early as possible

Comparing Comprehensive Eye Exam with Preschool Vision Screening

We provide

Comprehensive eye examination (Annually)

Administered by OPTICAL 88 Registered Optometrist (Part I)
the eye examination can evaluate the visual function and identify visual and ocular health problem before they get worse.  After eye examination, our optometrists will provide you a detailed report.
Hyperopia, Myopia and Astigmatism
Binocular function (for detection of squint)
Color vision deficiency (color weakness, color blindness)
Eye diseases (such as glaucoma, retinopathy, etc.) 
Checks the health of tears, cornea, lens, macula, optic nerve, etc.
Eye Exam Details
The government provides

Preschool Vision Screening

In general, vision screening for preschool children only includes basic eye check for visual acuity, which neither evaluates the degree of myopia nor checks for eye diseases.
Only provides initial refraction test
Binocular function (for detection of squint)
Color vision deficiency (color weakness, color blindness)
Eye diseases (such as glaucoma, retinopathy, etc.)
Checks the health of tears, cornea, lens, macula, optic nerve, etc.

Pick 1 out of 3 myopia control solutions according to optometrist’s advice

Parents can choose the most suitable myopia control solution for their children and embark on the journey of managing myopia. BowtieVision Kids provides the following solutions, which cater for different children.

Choose 1 out of 3


Non-invasive, no side effects

ZEISS Myopia Management Lenses and Frame

  • The design applies the principles of Peripheral Defocus Management, whereby the lenses provide clear vision in the center and alter vision in the periphery to reduce the progression of myopia.
  • The brand new MyoVision Ace lens brings the peripheral image forward, onto or even in front of the retina, resulting in more effective myopia management.
  • ZEISS spectacle lenses for treating myopia in children offer comprehensive UV protection. The lenses can also be further enhanced with DuraVision AntiVirus Platinum UV coating or DuraVision BlueProtect coating to ensure double protection and peace of mind both indoors and outdoors.

Worn overnight while sleeping

Orthokeratology  Lenses

  • Specially designed rigid contact lenses (commonly known as Ortho-K lenses)
  • Orthokeratology lenses are worn overnight, and work to gently “re-shape” the cornea while you sleep. During the day, you can enjoy temporarily enhanced vision without spectacle correction. Most children can obtain clear unaided-vision throughout their day. 
  • Studies have shown that orthokeratology lenses are effective for  myopia control.

Suitable for physically active children

Daily Soft Myopia Management Contact Lenses

  • Patented soft contact lenses that correct myopic vision in children while simultaneously slowing myopia progression 

Optional add-on solution

BowtieVision Kids Premium Exclusive

Atropine eye drops solution
Further reduces the progression of myopia

Learn More
Atropine eye drops solution

Further reduces the progression of myopia

• One drop of low-concentration atropine eye drops every night can effectively slow the progression of myopia by up to 67%*

Ophthalmologists will provide two myopia control consultations to offer advice and follow-up solutions Myopia progression rate is the highest for children aged 4-12 years old. The annual increase in myopia can be more than 1 diopter. Low-concentration eye drops not only have minimal side effects but also have high efficacy.

High myopia of more than 6 diopters increases the risk of eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinal detachment and cataracts. Atropine eye drops can help slow down the progression of myopia and prevent children from developing high myopia, thereby reducing the risk of eye diseases in the future. 

*Research by the Chinese University of Hong Kong shows that the use of 0.05% concentration atropine eye drops can effectively slow down the progression of myopia by up to 67% 
Learn about the pros and cons of each solution
You may also visit the Optical 88 website to learn more about the pros and cons of each solution.

Plan Details


Annual Fee

Comprehensive eye examination and detailed report

Myopia Control Allowance
(Choose 1 out of 3)

Atropine Myopia Control Allowance

Kids Premium
Buy now
Annual Fee
Comprehensive eye examination and detailed report
(Choose 1 out of 3)
Lenses (up to HK$2,520)
and frame (up to HK$600)
20% off surplus charges

Myopia Management Contact Lenses (up to HK$3,120)
10% off surplus charges
Orthokeratology (up to HK$3,120)
10% off surplus charges
Atropine Myopia Control Allowance

Limited-Time Offer:Free Screening for Scoliosis (value $2,000)

Poor sitting posture may lead to myopia and scoliosis

When reading, writing, and using digital devices, maintaining correct posture and distance, plus moderate stretching exercises, can protect children’s eyesight and back. Screening includes:

✔ Elasticity and endurance test 
✔ Scoliosis detection 
✔ Stretching exercises
✔ Physical therapy exercises
✔ Detailed report

Fancies a comprehensive eye exam only? You may consider other eye care plans.

Plan Details

Our Partners

Optical 88 logo

Members of BowtieVision Kids are eligible for a comprehensive eye examination at an OPTICAL 88 Professional Eyecare Centre, along with a detailed examination report. Results and follow-up will be handled by an eye care professional. Plan-related optical benefits can also be used at all OPTICAL 88 stores.

CEVR is a research center jointly established by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and the University of Waterloo in Canada. Members of BowtieVision Kids can opt to participate in the “Myopia and Eye Growth” study conducted by CEVR and led by leading researchers with the goal of preventing vision impairment and restoring healthy vision. 

How to Use the Plan in 3 Steps 

You will receive a plan activation email. You can redeem related services according to the instructions.

Call OPTICAL 88 Professional Eyecare Centre to make an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam. Please indicate that you are a member of BowtieVision.
OPTICAL 88 will use your service code to verify your identity and confirm the eye exam date.

Upon arriving at the professional eyecare center you have booked, please present your service code or QR code for identity verification and registration.

Customer Reviews

With a 9-year-old daughter who wears myopia control lenses
“My husband and I both have high myopia, and we’ve always worried that our daughter may inherit myopia from us. I once took my daughter to a health center for a simple check-up. At that time, no vision problems were found, and no test was performed. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, my daughter had been using the computer for prolonged periods of time for class. I noticed that she was moving closer and closer to the screen during class. After a comprehensive eye examination, it was found that she had 2 diopters of myopia. After detailed analysis and explanation by the optometrist, the myopia control lenses were selected. Her myopia has only increased by 0.25 diopters within one year of wearing the lenses, and there’s no need for new lenses. It’s reassuring that the eye care plan includes regular follow-up by a professional optometrist!”


Is BowtieVision Kids an insurance product?

BowtieVision Kids is an eye care plan managed by Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited. It advocates regular eye examinations for children, early detection of myopia or other diseases, and encourages preventive management. This plan is not an insurance product.

Do I need to file a claim after redeeming the service?

OPTICAL 88 will use your service code to verify your identity when redeeming services under BowtieVision Kids. You will not have to pay any fees or file any claims afterwards. However, please note that in some cases, you may have to pay for surplus charges that exceed the amount of allowance specified in the eye care plan.

Can I just undergo a refraction test when getting glasses?

You may choose to only have a refraction test. However, we recommend that you have a full eye exam to get the most out of this eye care plan. A comprehensive eye examination provides a detailed assessment of eye health, which also includes a refraction test. 

(This eye care plan already covers the cost of your refraction test in the OPTICAL 88 network)

What is the validity period of this eye care plan?

This eye care plan is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. You need to redeem all services within 12 months.

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