Amount of benefits payable will be adjusted based on the type of room in which the Insured Person is confined: 100% benefits payable for Standard Ward Room; 50% benefits payable for Standard Semi-Private Room; 25% benefits payable for above Standard Semi-Private Room.
Total benefit limit
Room and board
Maximum 180 days per Policy Year
80% of eligible expenses
Confinement miscellaneous charges
80% of eligible expenses
Attending doctor’s visit fee
Maximum 180 days per Policy Year
80% of eligible expenses
Intensive care
80% of eligible expenses
Surgeon's fee
80% of eligible expenses
Anaesthetist's fee
80% of eligible expenses
Operating theatre charges
80% of eligible expenses
Pre- and post-confinement/Day case procedure outpatient care ⓘ
1 prior visit and 3 follow-up visits within 90 days after discharge from Hospital or completion of a Day Case Procedure
80% of eligible expenses
Psychiatric treatments
80% of eligible expenses
Other benefits
Hospital cash for confinement in Hong Kong public hospital
Maximum 180 days per Policy Year
Day case procedure cash benefit
$200/day case procedure
$500/day case procedure
Special Bonus ⓘ
applicable when the Insured Person first obtains partial or full reimbursements underinsurance plans offered by other insurance company
BowtieGo outpatient benefits
Unlimited number of visits at member-exclusive price (limited to BowtieGo medical network)
Unlimited number of visits at member-exclusive price (limited to BowtieGo medical network)
Dental consultation
Including oral examination, scaling and polishing
Wellness benefits
(Applicable to the designated body check plan under BowtieGo Medical Network)
Health check-up
Fully Covered
Once per Policy Year
Flu vaccination
Fully Covered
Once per Policy Year
Life insurance benefits
Death benefits
Other product details
Age refers to the attained age of the Insured Person
Employee / spouse – Age 75 or below Child – 15 days to Age 18, Age 18 to 25 if the child is full-time student
Benefit period
1 year, yearly non-guaranteed renewal
Number of employees
Minimum 3 employees
Plan levels
All employees under the same company shall be enrolled into the same plan level. If the eligibility requirements are not met, they can be enrolled into Basic Bronze Level.
Number of years incorporated
Minimum 1 year
Denominated currency
Hong Kong Dollar
1 Applicable to outpatient and dental services provided by BowtieGo medical network only. The actual amount paid depends on the doctor and actual medical needs. 2 Applicable to all plans (except Basic Bronze).
Pro Care Series
No network limitation
No referral letter required for specialist claims
Annual health checkups and dental scaling5
$30 for any outpatient visit4, TCM and specialists included
Amount of benefits payable will be adjusted based on the type of room in which the Insured Person is confined: 100% benefits payable for Standard Ward Room; 50% benefits payable for Standard Semi-Private Room; 25% benefits payable for above Standard Semi-Private Room.
Total benefit limit
$25,000 /year
$50,000 /year
$80,000 /year
$120,000 /year
Room and board
Maximum 180 days per Policy Year
80% of eligible expenses
Confinement miscellaneous charges
80% of eligible expenses
Attending doctor’s visit fee
Maximum 180 days per Policy Year
80% of eligible expenses
Intensive care
80% of eligible expenses
Surgeon's fee
80% of eligible expenses
Anaesthetist's fee
80% of eligible expenses
Operating theatre charges
80% of eligible expenses
Pre- and post-confinement/day case procedure outpatient care ⓘ
1 prior visit and 3 follow-up visits within 90 days after discharge from Hospital or completion of a Day Case Procedure
80% of eligible expenses
Psychiatric treatments
80% of eligible expenses
Other benefit
Hospital cash for confinement in Hong Kong public hospital
Maximum 180 days per Policy Year
Day case procedure cash benefit
$200/day case procedure
$500/day case procedure
$800/day case procedure
$1,200/day case procedure
Special bonus ⓘ
Maximum 180 days per Policy Year
applicable when the Insured Person first obtains partial or full reimbursements underinsurance plans offered by other insurance company
Outpatient benefits
The maximum number of visits in aggregate per Policy Year is 30 and the maximum number of visit per item per day is 1;For each benefit item, the Insured Person shall bear a minimum cost of HKD30 per visit.
General practitioner
Chinese medicine practitioner
Included: herbal, acupuncture and bone setting treatments
As referred in writing by a Registered Medical Practitioner
As referred in writing by a Registered Medical Practitioner
Diagnostic imaging and laboratory tests
As referred in writing by a Registered Medical Practitioner
per Policy Year
per Policy Year
per Policy Year
per Policy Year
Dental benefits
The maximum number of visits in aggregate per Policy Year is 30 and the maximum number of visit per item per day is 1;For each benefit item, the Insured Person shall bear a minimum cost of HKD30 per visit.
Oral examination, scaling and polishing
Once per Policy Year
Two per Policy Year
Other dental consultation ⓘ
Accidental denture treatment, extraction and filling and dental X-ray
Wellness benefits
Applicable to the designated body check plans under our medical network
Health check-up
Fully covered
Once per Policy Year
Flu vaccination
Fully covered
Once per Policy Year
BowtieGo membership
Unlimited number of outpatient visits at member-exclusive price (limited to BowtieGo medical network)
Life insurance benefits
Death benefits
Other product details
Eligibility requirements
Age refers to the attained age of the Insured Person
Employee / spouse – Age 75 or below Child – 15 days to Age 18, a child between the age of 18 and 25 must be a full-time student
Benefit period
1 year, yearly non-guaranteed renewal
Number of employees
Minimum 3 employees
Plan levels
All Employees under the same company shall be enrolled into the same plan level. If the eligibility requirements are not met, you can purchase a supplementary level insurance plan with no age limit for the unqualified members.
Number of years incorporated
Minimum 1 year
Denominated currency
Hong Kong Dollar
4 The minimum payment (co-payment) per visit is HK$30. If the cost does not exceed the benefit limit, the full amount will be reimbursed in addition to the HK$30 co-payment. For detailed benefit limits, please refer to Policy Terms & Conditions. 5 Applicable to all Pro Care Series plans.
Flexible combination of health benefits at your own choice
Choose medical benefits that fit your budget and needs
Enjoy all-round medical coverage including outpatient benefits, hospitalisation, and add-on wellness services
Save time with our hassle-free online portal accessible anytime and anywhere
Reach out to our dedicated Group Medical Specialist for any questions
Interested to learn more? Visit our Help Centre or contact CS for help.
Pre-existing condition(s), except for companies covered under another group medical insurance plan of another insurance company immediately before the policy issuance;
Solely diagnostic procedures ;
Infection with any Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV-related illness including AIDS and/or any mutations, derivations or variations thereof ;
Vaccinations, immunization, injections, preventive medication or preventive care;
Birth control or reversal of birth control; sterilization and sexual dysfunction, diagnostic of pregnancy or resulting childbirth, abortion, miscarriage or any complications from the above;
Congenital conditions that gave rise to signs or symptoms or was diagnosed, before the Insured Person attains seventeen (17) years of age;
Treatment for which expenses have been reimbursed under any law, or medical program, or insurance policy provided by any government, company or other third party;
Drugs, suicide and illegal activities.
Items listed are for reference only. Please refer to the below attached document for details of all exclusions.
Key Product Risks
Renewal or cancellation right — We reserve the right not to Renew this Plan and to revise the premium payable under this Plan on the date of any Renewal. We have the absolute right to cancel or terminate this Plan at any time by giving you notice by electronic means to the latest contact you have notified to us not less than thirty (30) days in advance. The effective date and hour of cancellation or termination stated in the notice shall be considered the end of the Plan period. Premium adjustment (if any) and the unearned portion of the premium at the time of cancellation or termination shall be paid by (or refunded to) you.
Product features revision — We reserve the right to revise the terms and benefits upon policy renewal by giving 30 days’ advance notice.
Premium adjustment risk — Standard premium rates are not guaranteed and are subject to change based on our emerging experience in relation to claims, persistency and expenses, medical cost inflation and any change in the benefit structure. Therefore, renewal premiums may be higher or lower than the premium currently reflected.
Credit and solvency risk — The payment of benefits under this plan is subject to Bowtie’s credit risk and solvency. In the event of Bowtie’s insolvency, you may lose the coverage stipulated in this plan in addition to any premiums you have paid.
Inflation risk — Due to inflation, the costs of medical diagnoses and treatments may rise and the amount of benefit payable may become insufficient to meet your future medical needs even if our full contractual obligations are met. You are advised to consider the likely impact of future medical cost inflation when choosing a plan.
Where permitted under the relevant regulations, benefit amounts and/or standard premium rates of this plan may be revised by us from time to time to reflect the impact of medical inflation
Termination — This policy will be terminated on the earliest of the followings : a. non-payment of premiums after 31 days from the premium due date; b. the number of Employees or full-time Employees enrolled (as applicable) (excluding the Basic Bronze Level) becomes less than three (3).
Termination of this plan shall not affect any claim arising prior to such termination unless otherwise stated. Any premium paid after the termination of this plan shall not create any liability upon us but we will refund any such premium without interest.
Items listed are for reference only. Please refer to the below attached document for details of all exclusions.
Group Insurance Plan – Outpatient and inpatient (subject to plan level) medical plan for groups
Issue age
Basic Silver, Basic Gold, Pro Bronze, Pro Silver, Pro Gold, Pro Platinum — Employee / Spouse: age 75 or below; Child: 15 days to age 18, a child between the age of 18 and 25 must be a full-time student
Subject to the applicable Plan Level
Death — Sum Insured payable to the Beneficiary in the event of the Insured Person'sdeath.
Inpatient and Day Case Procedure — cover Eligible Expenses for MedicallyNecessary treatments of a Disability, including Inpatient treatments and Day CaseProcedures.
Outpatient — cover Eligible Expenses for treatments of a Disability provided by a Registered Medical Practitioner, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner, RegisteredPhysiotherapist, Registered Chiropractor, and Registered Specialist. We also provide each Insured Person with a BowtieGo membership under which he can access ourNetwork clinics with member exclusive price.
Dental — cover actual expenses for Dental Services, including oral examination, scaling and polishing.
Wellness — cover actual expenses for the designated health check-up plan.
Area of coverage
Claim method
Lumpsum (applicable to death benefit) — We will pay in lumpsum to the Beneficiary in the event of the Insured Person's death.
Reimbursement (applicable to Inpatient, Day Case Procedure, Outpatient and Dental benefits) — 1. We will reimburse the Eligible Expenses or actual expenses (as applicable)incurred beyond the amount of Co-Payment (as applicable) and up to the benefit limit(s) set out in the table below. 2. One expense item will only be reimbursable under one benefit item. 3. If the Insured Person is entitled to reimbursement of all or part of such expenses from other sources and has been so reimbursed, we will only be liable for an amount in excess of the amount recovered from such other sources.
Direct settlement by us (applicable to Wellness benefit) — We will directly pay the expenses of the designated health check-up plan to the relevant Network clinic according to the table below. The Insured Person will not need to pay to the relevant Network clinic and will not need to carry out any claim procedure.
Period of cover
1 year – Annual renewal (non- guaranteed)
Waiting period
This Plan may be renewed, without issuance of a new policy contract, on each plan anniversary by payment of the relevant premium in advance based on the premium rate in force at the time of renewal.
Upon renewal, we reserve the right to revise the prevailing standard premium schedule.
Cooling-off period
Policy cancellation
You may request cancellation of the Plan by giving at least 30 days prior notice.
Tax deduction
The information on the page is for reference only, please refer to the full and detailed Policy Terms and Conditions.
Remarks: Customers should purchase a plan according to their company’s needs or actual conditions. The above is for reference only, please refer to the policy provisions for the detailed terms and conditions. Bowtie Corp Medical Insurance Plan is underwritten by Bowtie and is intended only for sale in Hong Kong.