

I. 適用範圍



此服務將透過 Cobrowse.io 程式進行安全連接。

II. 私隱



III. 免責聲明


除非法律另有規定,否則與使用或無法使用此遙距協助服務相關的的任何損害(包括直接或間接、特殊、附帶或相應的損害、損失或費用) ,保泰在任何情況下概不負責。

IV. 如何使用

你可以在智能手機、平板電腦、電腦或其他支持使用網絡瀏覽器的設備上使用此遙距協助服務。為充分利用此服務,我們建議你選擇 Google Chrome 或 Safari。



Remote Assistance Service Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions")

You must agree to the following Terms and Conditions before you can use our (Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited's (“Bowtie”)) remote assistance service.

  1. Scope

This remote assistance service allows us to remotely view your browser screen by which you browse Bowtie’s website including Bowtie’s domain, subdomain, or its affiliate (but not any other screens or websites) and to address your inquiries on Bowtie’s products, services and offers by facilitating you to locate the required information on Bowtie’s website. 

This remote assistance service is limited to viewing specific tab(s) on Bowtie’s website (including Bowtie’s domain, subdomain, or its affiliate).

This service will be conducted through a secured connection under the Cobrowse.io Software. 

  1. Privacy

You authorize us to, during the remote assistance service session, temporarily view your browser screen by which you browse Bowtie’s website, including any personal data that may appear on that screen during the session. For your peace of mind, we will not record or keep any personal data or image on that screen.   To be prudent, we recommend that you close all other browsers, windows or documents that may show personal or confidential information during the remote assistance session.

Please take a look at our Personal Information Collection Statement (“PICS”) and Privacy Policy Statement ("PPS") before accepting these Terms and Conditions.

  1. Disclaimer

You use this remote assistance service at your own risk.  No warranty of any kind, implied, express or statutory is given in connection with this remote assistance service.  

Unless otherwise specified by law, Bowtie will not be liable in any event for any damages (including direct or indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, losses or expenses), however caused, arising in connection with the use or inability to use this remote assistance service.

  1. How to Use

You may use this remote support assistance service on smartphones, tablets, computers or other devices which support the use of web-browsers. To take full advantage of this service, we recommend that you choose Google Chrome or Safari.   

By clicking the button below, you ACKNOWLEDGE and CONFIRM that you have read, you fully understand, and you agree to these Terms and Conditions and our PICS and PPS, and that you allow us to temporarily and remotely view your browser screen accordingly.

If you choose NOT to proceed with this service, please close this window and request our other quality support options, including phone or chat support.

CobrowseIO Device Code: