Best Value
Best Value
Cover 90% of your medical expense on common conditions without deductible^

Limited time offer

Product Highlights


Lower Premiums1

Apply for insurance online with Bowtie to save as much as

55%of premiumsh
唔使自己出幾萬蚊都Claim 到近 90% 醫療費用

Pay claim from the first dollar without deductible. Up to 90% coverage^

This plan is designed based on actual medical charges and common medical conditions. Bowtie Flexi Plan ranks 3rd in the market for the largest number of additional benefits2, and the highest benefit limit for “Prescribed Diagnostic Imaging Test” 2.

We aim to provide you with sufficient financial support for medical expenses even with one medical insurance plan.

Average reimbursement ratio3

設額外醫療保障 SMM 包底 賠得更足

Supplementary Major Medical (SMM) benefit offering additional coverage

Eligible benefits include specialist’s fee, intensive care, surgeon’s fee, anaesthetist’s fee, operating theatre charges, accidental emergency outpatient treatments, outpatient kidney dialysis and miscellaneous charges. Please refer to the Benefit Schedule for details.
The VHIS basic benefits have upper limits. To improve the reimbursement rate, the Bowtie Flexi Plan offers $120,000 - $ 220,000 Supplementary Major Medical (SMM) benefit to cover 80% of medical expenses in excess of the individual benefit limits.

Comprehensive Medical Coverage

Reimbursement is not limited to any accident or disease
470 types of surgery are covered uniformly across different VHIS plans on the market. However, the benefits covered by each plan may be different, which can affect the actual reimbursement rate. For details, please refer to the Benefit Schedule and Schedule of Surgical Procedures
FlexiBowtie VHIS- Flexi Plan Exclusive
Symptom onset/ diagnosis
Got the highest coverage in Hong Kong
Prescribed diagnostic imaging tests (with the highest benefit limit in Hong Kong)
i.e. CT Scan, MRI Scan, PET Scan
2 outpatient visits or emergency consultations prior to confinement/day case procedure
Outpatient visits or emergency consultations resulting in a confinement or day case procedure
Room and board
Attending doctor's visit fee
Specialist’s fee
Prescribed non-surgical
cancer treatment

i.e. Targeted drugs, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.
Psychiatric treatment
Intensive care
Hospital companion bedFlexi
Miscellaneous charges
Day case procedure such as endoscopy, cataract surgery
Day/Inpatient Surgery
Surgeon’s fee
Anaesthetist’s fee
Operating theatre charges
i.e. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, wart removal, etc.
Day case procedure cash benefit
Accident emergency outpatient treatmentFlexi
Post-recovery follow-up
Post-confinement/day case procedure outpatient care
Outpatient kidney dialysisFlexi
i.e. Dialysis
Rehabilitative careFlexi
Post-confinement daily home nursingFlexi
Does the plan cover outpatient?
Please note that the plan does not cover outpatient expenses for general practitioner, specialists, Chinese medicine practitioner, etc.However, the BowtieGo Outpatient Service that comes with the plan allows you to consult an outpatient doctor at half price without having to make any additional claims.
🤒 因傷風感冒前往醫院門診或診所求醫 (但毋須住院或接受手術)
🔎 因大便有血前往診所求醫
😷 接受腸鏡檢查
門診診金 +
🤕 因意外受傷而前往醫院門診或醫院急症室求醫 (不包括一般西醫診所)
門診診金 +
Filing a claim is effortless
For any claims issues and applications, there will be 1:1 follow-up by our claim specialist.
Learn more →

One Plan. Two FLEXIble Options

Recommended Room Class
Basic coverage does not impose any limitations on room level, but the Supplementary Major Medical (SMM) Benefit will reimburse according to the specified percentage of different room levels.

Basic Benefit Limit
No lifetime limit

SMM Limit

PremiumTake a 30-year-old non-smoking male as an example

Flexi Plan (Plus)
Semi-private Room
1 to 3 people per room with better privacy
Basic Benefit Limit
$1,000,000/ year
SMM Limit
$220,000/ year
From $389/ month

Want to explore other coverage levels of Bowtie's VHIS plans?

Detailed Benefit Schedule

Mix and match to fill protection gaps

Extra Health and Medical Coverage

Add on $200/month

Bowtie x Designated Hospital
Exclusive for Flexi Plan Customers: Annual Health Check-up (can add optional health check items recommended by doctors)¹ + full reimbursement for the selected medical packages with a waiver to submit cashless settlement application10.

Extra cancer coverage

Form $57/month4

Bowtie Cancer Fighter
Supplementary coverage for non-surgical cancer treatment such as targeted drugs, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Additional support

NEW No-Claim Rewards 5
Earn BowtieCash^ - worth 8% of your monthly premium to pay-off future medical expenses.
Cashless Settlement Service 6
Applicable to all private hospitals in Hong Kong, allowing you to have a worry-free treatment.
NEW 24 - hour Global
Emergency Assistance
In the event of an emergency during a business trip or holiday, call the 24-hour worldwide emergency hotline for assistance.
NEW No-Claim Rewards 5
Earn equal to 8% of monthly premium BowtieCash^ to minimize your future out-of-pocket expense!
Cashless Settlement Service 6
Applicable to all private hospitals in Hong Kong. Let you focus on getting treated.
NEW 24h Worldwide Emergency Assistance Service 7
Access to emergency assistance while traveling abroad just by one call.

Product Information

Eligible for persons aged 15 days to age 80
unknown pre-existing conditions are existing health conditions that the insured person was not aware of when applying for the policy, such as pre-existing conditions that were diagnosed and treated following the insurance application.
Covers unknown pre-existing conditions and
congenital conditions include congenital diseases that onset or diagnose at 8 years of age or later
congenital diseases
No waiting period level up!
Excluding Unknown Pre-existing Conditions, enjoy 100% reimbursement starting from the 181st day from the effective date of the policy.
Lifetime guaranteed renewal
If the insurer immigrates to other countries, the premium might be adjusted based on the risk of relocated countries. For details, please contact Bowtie Customer Service at 3008 8123.
Worldwide coverage (including immigration and travel)#
Monthly payment


  • Upon renewal, there shall be no re-underwriting. No additional rate of premium loading or case-based exclusions shall be imposed by reason of any change in the Insured Person's health conditions.
  • Upon renewal, we reserve the right to revise Policy Terms and Conditions, including the prevailing standard premium schedule, subject to prior approval by the Health Bureau.
Please refer to the policy terms and conditions for details

Policy Cancellation

  • You may request cancellation of the policy by giving us a prior notice with at least 30 working days.

Cooling-off Period

  • Within 21 days of the cooling-off period, you may cancel the policy and receive a full refund of premium

Tax Deduction

  • Taxpayers who purchase any Certified Plan of VHIS for him/herself or any specified family members are eligible for tax deductions. Click here for details.

Policy Exclusions

Under these Terms and Benefits, the Company shall not pay any benefits in relation to or arising from the following expenses:
  • Treatments, procedures, medications, tests or services which are not Medically Necessary;
  • Confinement solely for the purpose of diagnostic procedures or allied health services, unless suchprocedure or service is recommended by a Registered Medical Practitioner for Medically Necessaryinvestigation or treatment of a Disability which cannot be effectively performed in a setting forproviding Medical Services to a Day Patient;
  • Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (“HIV”) and its related disability, which is contractedor occurs before the Policy Effective Date. If evidence of proof as to the time at which such Disabilityis first contracted or occurs is not available, manifestation of such Disability within the first 5 yearsafter the Policy Effective Date shall be presumed to be contracted or occur before the PolicyEffective Date (except cases where HIV and its related disability is caused by sexual assault, medicalassistance, organ transplant, blood transfusions or blood donation, or infection at birth);
  • Dependence, overdose or influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or similar drugs or agents;
  • Self-inflicted injuries or attempted suicide, illegal activity, or venereal and sexually transmitteddisease or its sequelae;
  • Beautification or cosmetic purposes, unless necessitated by injury caused by an Accident and theInsured Person receives the Medical Services within 90 days of the Accident;
  • Correction of visual acuity or refractive errors that can be corrected by fitting of spectacles orcontact lens;
  • Prophylactic treatment or preventive care (except treatments, monitoring, investigation orprocedures with the purpose of avoiding complications, removal of pre-malignant conditions, andprevention of recurrence of complication);
  • Dental treatment and oral and maxillofacial procedures performed by a dentist (except foremergency treatment and surgery during Confinement arising from an Accident);
  • Medical Services and counselling services relating to maternity conditions and its complications orsexual dysfunction;
  • Purchase of durable medical equipment or appliances;
  • Traditional Chinese medicine treatment;
  • Experimental or unproven medical technology or procedure in accordance with the commonstandard, or not approved by the recognised authority, in the locality where the treatment,procedure, test or service is received;
  • Congenital Conditions which have manifested or been diagnosed before the Insured Personattained the age of 8;
  • Treatment for Disability arising from war, civil war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities,rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power;
  • Reimbursements under any law, or medical program or insurance policy provided by any government, company or other third party.
The above list is for reference only. You should refer to the “General Exclusions” section in the Terms andConditions of this plan for the complete list and details of exclusions.

Bowtie VHIS Registration Information

  • Name of VHIS certified plan:
    Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS) Flexi Plan – Inpatient medical reimbursement plan certified by the Health Bureau
  • VHIS certification number:
    Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan Regular
    Available for new application
    F00031-01-000-05 (Flexi Regular Plan)
    F00031-02-000-05 (Flexi Plus Plan)
    Not available for new application
    F00031-01-000-04 (Flexi Regular Plan)
    F00031-01-000-03 (Flexi Regular Plan)
    F00031-01-000-02 (Flexi Regular Plan)
    F00031-01-000-01 (Flexi Regular Plan)
    F00031-02-000-04 (Flexi Plus Plan)
    F00031-02-000-03 (Flexi Plus Plan)
    F00031-02-000-02 (Flexi Plus Plan)
    F00031-02-000-01 (Flexi Plus Plan)
  • VHIS Provider Registration No.
  • Registration Effective Date
    21 March 2019
The information on the page is for reference only. For the full and detailed policy terms and conditions, please refer to the product documents.
Best for Top-up

Free upgrades in coverage
Get adequate protection at an affordable price

Upgrades in Bowtie’s VHIS in 2024

Check out what’s new this year!
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Our customer service staff will listen to your concerns, provide detailed explanation of the products, assist with quotations and insurance applications.
About the application procedures →

Filing a Claim

Our claims specialist will follow up on the claim application and progress. We will also provide compensation estimates and arrange cashless settlement services. A hotline for the claim department is set up for your enquiries!
About the claim procedures →

Management of policies

Insurance and claim application progress will be updated via email and online platform. You may view and download all policy documents, benefit balance, claim records and other information at any time on the online platform!

Highly Recognised by Our Customers

Bowtie VHIS customers
Ratio of approved VHIS claims 8
Customer service satisfaction rating
Successful self-service online application
Need any assistance? Contact customer services →


What is the difference between the VHIS Flexi and VHIS Standard Plans?

Both VHIS Flexi and VHIS Standard Plans are regulated and certified by the Health Bureau. Flexi Plans cover the same items as the Standard Plan but offer higher protection with higher limits and additional benefits.

What is the guaranteed renewal age for Flexi?

All Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plans offer guaranteed lifetime renewal. As long as you pay your premiums on time, you will not lose your protection.

Does SMM cover all medical expenses that exceed the benefit limit?

If medical expenses for the following items exceed the benefit limit, SMM will cover 80% of the difference up to the SMM limit.

  1. Miscellaneous charges
  2. Specialist’s fees
  3. Intensive care
  4. Surgeon’s fees
  5. Anaesthesiologist’s fees
  6. Operating theatre charges
  7. Accidental Emergency outpatient treatments
  8. Outpatient kidney dialysis

For more information, refer to the benefit schedule for Flexi Regular and Flexi Plus.

How is SMM determined?

SMM = 80% x (eligible expenses exceeding benefit limit) x (room level adjustment factor if applicable)

What is Day Case Procedure cash benefit?

If you undergo day case surgery and the expense is covered by the surgeon’s fee benefit, you will also get Day Case Procedure cash benefit. This is applied based on each surgery and the cash benefit is HK$800 for Flexi Regular and HK$1,300 for Flexi Plus.

Are there any restrictions on the room level?

All benefits do not have restrictions on the room level. However, adjustment factor will be applied to the SMM benefit based on your room level.

Is there an age limit for a hospital companion bed?

There is no age limit for a hospital companion bed. Only one hospital companion bed is covered.

Does SMM cover Outpatient kidney dialysis?


Does SMM cover Accident Emergency outpatient treatments?


Can I apply for more than 1 VHIS series policy?

Yes, Bowtie currently allows each insured person to have

  • two Bowtie VHIS Standard policies or
  • a Bowtie VHIS (VHIS Standard / Flexi Regular / Flexi Plus) policy and a Bowtie Pink VHIS policy (except for $0 deductible plans)
Does Bowtie VHIS provide coverage overseas?

The plan provides worldwide coverage. But both the Policyholder and the Insured Persons must reside in Hong Kong at the time of application. The coverage shall remain effective whether the Insured Persons plan to reside overseas temporarily or permanently. (except for places of residence affected by sanctions or war).

An extra loading might be applied to reflect the higher risks of the relocated countries. If you do not accept the premium adjustment, you can choose not to renew your policy. If the Insured Persons go out of town for travel, studying abroad or work temporarily, No extra premium loading will be applied to policies.

The Policyholder and the Insured Persons should contact Bowtie for any address/location updates. For any enquiries, please contact our customer service team at 3008-8123.

Can I apply for the same Bowtie Pink VHIS Plan with my family and friends?

No, each VHIS Standard, Flexi, or Pink Plan can only have one policyholder and one insured person. However, policyholders can apply for their eligible family members.

Eligible family members refer to the policyholder's spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandparents, or spouse's siblings, parents and grandparents.

What should I do if I mistakenly gave an inaccurate answer for an underwriting question?

If you mistakenly gave an inaccurate answer for an underwriting question in your application, please contact us as soon as possible through the following channels to make the correction.

Please note inaccurate information may impact claims results in the future.

How come I did not get an instant quote?

If you are unable to get an instant quote, it doesn’t mean your application is declined. It may be due to one of the following:

  1. We are unable to accept your application due to your current health condition.
  2. You expressed that you have reservations about the answers you provided to our underwriting and need further assistance.
  3. We are currently enhancing our underwriting system allowing us to re-process your application.
  4. You selected “Other illnesses” and we need more information from you.

If you provided us with your email address in your application, Bowtie customer service will be in touch to assist with your application.

What should I do if I don’t understand an underwriting question and I am not sure how to answer it?

You can contact us through the following channels if you have questions about our underwriting or unsure how to answer.

Please note inaccurate information may impact future claims results.

How does the underwriting process work?

Bowtie leverages Hong Kong’s first-of-its-kind fully online medical underwriting system to evaluate applicants’ health conditions instantly. No medical examinations or paper forms are required, and as a result, the application process is shortened from at least three days to as quick as 10 minutes.

Based on the health information you provided, we analyze the severity of your previous illnesses and instantly provide the fairest and most accurate premium rates. Typically, if the applicant is in good health, premiums would be low. 95% of the questions in our underwriting system are multiple choice.

I have medical insurance policies from two different insurance companies, which one should I submit a claim to first?

It’s up to you which insurer you wish to submit a claim to first. If you need to submit a claim to more than one insurer, you will need to include the claims details provided by the first insurance company along with the required documents in your claims submission to the second insurer, as well as the true copy or certified copy of the medical bills.

If I have questions about Bowtie services, what can I do?

Just like traditional insurance companies, you can contact us through our customer service centre, hotline, email and LiveChat for assistance with application, claims estimates or claims submission.

You can call our customer service hotline 3008 8123 anytime or email us at We value your feedback and will follow up as soon as possible. If necessary, you can book an appointment to visit our customer service centre where our dedicated service team will serve you.

How do I make a claim?

You can request a claim estimate or submit a claim directly on our website. After you have submitted a claim, Bowtie will assign a claims specialist to assist you throughout the claims process and follow up with you. If you have any questions about your claims, you can also call our customer service hotline at 3008 8123 or email us at

Does VHIS Standard Plan only cover hospitalization and hospital-related expenses such as surgery and doctor’s fee?

VHIS Standard Plan coverage includes not only hospitalisation and hospital-related fees, but also day case surgery, pre- and post-hospitalization day case procedure, outpatient care, and prescribed diagnostic imaging tests (ex. CT, MRI, PET, PET-CT, OET-MRI).

Will my renewal premiums increase because I made claims? Will my renewal be denied due to the claims?

Annual renewal premiums are adjusted according to age. We do not increase premiums for individual policyholders because of the number of claims made, claim amounts or their health conditions.

In addition, VHIS Standard Plan guarantees renewal up to age 100 and VHIS Flexi Plan guarantees lifetime renewal. We will not reject your renewal request due to your claim history or health condition.

Change of ownership of the Policy

Bowtie shall not reject any application by the policyholder for the transfer of ownership to 

(a) the Insured Person if he has reached the Age of eighteen (18) years; 

(b) the parent or the Guardian of the Insured Person if he is a Minor; or 

(c) any person whose familial relationship with the Insured Person is accepted by Bowtie according to its prevailing underwriting practices.

Inquiries and Complaint Channels

VHIS Office – set up under the Health Bureau, handles VHIS-related matters, including product offerings, approved product features and the code of practice for insurance companies under the ambit of the VHIS; 

Insurance Authority – regulates the conduct of insurance companies and insurance intermediaries;

Inland Revenue Department – manages matters related to tax deductions; and

Bowtie – policyholders can submit their complaints by mail or call the customer service hotline 3008 8123.

What should I do if during the claims process, I discover that the insured person forgot to declare pre-existing illnesses?

In this case, you need to redo the underwriting process. If the declared health condition impacts the risk assessment outcome, new exclusions may be added to your policy, your premiums may be adjusted or your policy may be cancelled.

Have questions about Bowtie's products?
Leave your contact info for product guidance from our specialists.
For existing policy queries, reach out to Customer Service:
Hotline: 3008 8123 Email:
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I would like to know more about the following product information
By submitting your information, you confirm that you have read and understood Bowtie's Personal Data Collection Statement and agree to the use and transfer of your personal data in accordance with this statement, including the use and provision of your personal data for promotional purposes.

You have successfully submitted!
Our customer service representative will follow up with you.

Oops! An error occurred with this form, please contact our customer service center.
The above information is for reference only. For detailed terms and conditions of the product, key risks, and exclusions, please refer to the policy.

Bowtie Life Insurance Co. Ltd (“The Company”,”Bowtie”) is a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong. Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan is underwritten by our company and only intended for sale in Hong Kong.If you see a "+" symbol, you can click on it to view more information.tions of the product, key risks, and exclusions, please refer to the policy.Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited (Bowtie) is a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong. Bowtie Pink VHIS Plan is underwritten by Bowtie and intended for sale in Hong Kong only.If you see a "+" symbol, you can click on it to view more information.
1 According to the results of Bowtie’s market survey conducted on December 7, 2023 on similar VHIS flexi plans, Bowtie VHIS Flexi Regular offers relatively lower monthly premiums for non-smokers aged  0 to 3 and 7 to 99. The coverage and sum insured of different medical insurance plans can differ. For details, please refer to the relevant policy and its terms and conditions.
‍2 The above comparison takes into account VHIS Flexi plans with an annual coverage amount ranging from HK$520,000 to HK$600,000 with additional medical benefits, and the monthly premiums are calculated based on the rates for a non-smoking male of that age. According to the results of Bowtie’s market survey conducted on February 10, 2022 on similar VHIS flexi plans, Bowtie’s VHIS—Flexi Plan ranks third in the market for the number of additional benefits, and Bowtie’s “Prescribed Diagnostic Imaging Test” benefit limit is the highest in Hong Kong.
3 The reimbursement rates provided are as of September 2021 and are for reference only. Actual reimbursement rates may vary depending on the severity of the case, required treatment, and actual medical expenses. 
4 Calculated based on the standard premium of a 30-year-old non-smoking male insured with Bowtie Cancer Fighter 300.
5 The "Bowtie VHIS No-Claim Rewards Program" is available to customers of Bowtie’s VHIS products only. This reward scheme is not a cash reward scheme and does not form part of the Bowtie Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme.Terms and Conditions apply
6 The Cashless Settlement Service is only available for inpatient treatment and must be pre-approved by Bowtie. For details of the terms and conditions of service, please refer to the relevant website.
7 The Global Emergency Assistance Service is provided by a third party service provider and does not form part of the Bowtie Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme. Bowtie reserves the right to modify the content of global emergency support services and will not be responsible for the services provided by third-party service providers. There is no additional premium required for these services.
8 The above is the average approved claim rate for Bowtie VHIS "Standard", "Flexible - Regular", "Flexible - Upgrade" and Bowtie Pink as of August 2023.
9 According to data analysis by YouGov, an international market research organization, Bowtie has been the "Insurance brand with the most customers considering it to be good value for money" in Hong Kong for two consecutive years since 2021. Value for money doesn’t just mean “cheap”, but means that it can bring value and services to consumers that are equivalent to the price.
10 Such full reimbursement subject to the annual benefit limit of the Insured Person’s VHIS Flexi Plan. The designated hospital will submit the pre-approval application in response to the selected medical packages for inpatient treatments for the cashless settlement service to Bowtie on your behalf, in which the cashless settlement Service is subjected to Bowtie's approval. For the service terms and conditions, please refer to the relevant website.

^ As of November 2022, the reimbursement rate for Bowtie VHIS Flexi Regular is 90%.
# Psychiatric treatments, rehabilitative care and medical negligence benefit under the Bowtie VHIS Flexi Plan is only available in Hong Kong.
* Terms and Conditions apply