Pure Life Insurance Built on Care
Love Without Burden Leave Without Regrets
No commission, affordable and pure protection
Guaranteed renewal up to age 100 upgrade
No tied contract, flexible cancellation


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Why Should I Get Life Insurance?

Life insurance ensure peace of mind, even in your absence

What if I'm gone before the mortgage is repaid? I still want my family to have a home.

Even if I miss my child's graduation, I want to make sure they graduate.

Even if I'm not there, I want my parents to have a secure retirement.

Remarks:The above are real customer opinions, while the photos are AI-generated images

Unique Features


Leave Without Regrets

If the insured is diagnosed with a terminal illness and predicted life expectancy less than 12 months1,2, Bowtie will provide an additional lump sum benefit besides death benefit that can be used freely to fulfill their last wishes!

How does it work?
A doctor certifies that the insured has a predicted life expectancy less than 12 months due to a terminal illness.1,2
Bowtie will pay a lump sum payment of $300,000.1,2
They can then arrange and fulfill their last wishes!
After the insured passes away, the beneficiary will receive the death benefit (100% of the Term Life sum insured).
How can existing customers add this benefit?Find out now!
唔使自己出幾萬蚊都Claim 到近 90% 醫療費用

Adjust your coverage3

Up to $20 million4

Your life protection needs increase when income and life stage change. However, most online term life insurance only offers coverage up to a few million dollars.

After listening to our customers, Bowtie has increased the maximum sum insured to $20 million (medical examination required4), allowing customers to get sufficient coverage from a single insurer.

設額外醫療保障 SMM 包底 賠得更足

Catering for diverse relationships and families

You can prepare life insurance for more loved ones. For example, we accept fiancés, same-sex spouses, same-sex fiancés; step children or step parents as beneficiaries of life insurance5!


Benefit Items


The max. sum insured without medical examination - $8 million4

100years oldupgrade

Renewal Age Extended to Age 100

Benefit coverage

Death benefit coverage
(100% of sum insured)

Claim method

If the insured person dies, Bowtie will pay the death benefit to the beneficiary in a lump sum

Minimum Sum insured


Maximum Sum insured

$20,000,000 (Existing Customer*)
$8,000,000 (18-45 years old)
$4,000,000 (46-55 years old)
$3,500,000 (56-60 years old)
$1,000,000 (61-65 years old)

  • New customers can purchase up to $8 millions without medical examination. Once the policy is in force, customers can purchase more coverage, up to $20 million (inclusive of previous policies) with financial underwriting and medical examination according to our guidance.
  • Once your policy is in force, your sum insured will remain unchanged. For example, if you buy $8 million at or before the age of 45. Your coverage remains $8 million even until the age of 85. If you wish to adjust the sum Insured amount, you can make the request on platform at least 30 days before the next renewal date.

Bowtie-only Services

Words to your beloved ones
Bowtie believes life insurance is not just a protection. Leave a message to the beneficiary(ies), whether it is words of appreciation, blessing or encouragement, it would be a precious and warm gift to your belove ones during grief.
1 on 1 Service by our Claim Specialist
If you unfortunately pass away, your family can make an online claim without logging in
Our Claim Specialist will help to take care of your family's claim application & documentation.
1 on 1 direct communication, support your family all the way

Product Documents

Important Product Information

Product Category
  • Bowtie Life Insurance is a term life insurance policy. It is a pure life protection plan with no savings component. Upon the death of the insured person, we will pay a lump sum death benefit to the policy beneficiary.
  • The Last Wish Rider is a rider benefit to Bowtie Term Life Insurance. It provides a lump sum payment for any purpose when the insured person is diagnosed with a terminal illness and has a predicted life expectancy of less than 12 months. If the insured person dies before making Last Wish Claims or dies due to other reasons other than terminal illnesses / does not meet claim conditions, Bowtie will pay a compassionate death benefit to the beneficiary.
Issue Age
age 18 – age 65
Period of Cover
1 year – guaranteed renewal until age 100
Waiting Period
  • Bowtie Term Life Insurance:Not applicable
  • Last Wish Rider:180 days (except for an illness caused directly by an Accident and diagnosed within 90 days from the date of the Accident)
  • Renewal will not involve re-underwriting, nor will additional premiums or exclusions be applied due to changes in the insured person's health condition
  • Bowtie reserves the right to revise the policy terms and conditions upon renewal, including the premium rates in effect at the time
Cooling-off Period
21 days
You may cancel the policy within the cooling-off period for a full refund of premiums paid
Policy Cancellation
Make the request on Bowtie’s online platform at least 30 working days before the next renewal date
Tax Deduction
Not applicable
Survival Period (Only applicable to the Last Wish Rider)
Survival Period : 14 days
Survival of at least 14 days from the date of issuance of the terminal illness certificate to be eligible to receive the additional lump sum payment from the Last Wish Rider
This plan does not cover death directly or indirectly, wholly or partially, resulting from the following:
Suicide: Death of the insured by suicide, whether sane or insane, within 2 year from the policy effective date
Interested in knowing why we designed it like this? Read this blog!
The information on the page is for reference only, please refer to the full and detailed policy Terms and Conditions.

Bowtie’s Powerful Supporters

I believe that Bowtie’s insurance technology and pure protection products can help Hong Kong people get enough protection to fill the $6.9 trillion mortality gap in Hong Kong.
John Tsang GBM, JP
Former Financial Secretary of HKSenior Advisor
Have questions about Bowtie's products? Our Product Specialists can assist you!
Providing you with personalized product consultations and commission-free!
Service Hours: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
By scheduling a consultation or WhatsApp inquiry, you acknowledge that you have read  Bowtie's Personal Information Collection Statement and agree to the use of your personal data for contact.
For inquiries regarding existing policies, please contact our Customer Service Department:
Hotline: 3008 8123 | Email: cs@bowtie.com.hk | Click “Live Chat” at the bottom right corner