Accident Insurance

Bowtie Touchwood Protector

Touchwood, you get hurt, then what?

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Comprehensive Accident Medical Protection

Bowtie Accident Insurance covers medical expenses for injuries incurred from accidents, no matter how major or minor they are.

Minor Accidents

Outpatient (wound cleansing, stitches, etc.), Physiotherapy, Chiropractic and Chinese bone-setting treatments

Major Accidents

MRI scans, Inpatient treatments, Surgery fees and up to $420k annual medical protection

Covers 700+ occupations

Including Sports coaches, Disciplinary force, Professional drivers and more

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Who should buy accident insurance?

Families with children

Accidents are common among children and they are more prone to falls, burns, impacts, animal bites and more. Bowtie Accident Insurance can provide protection for your children from age 2 and up.

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People in high-risk professions

Unlike traditional accident insurance that typically reject high-risk professions, Bowtie Accident Insurance covers 700+ occupations and even offers protection for medical expenses that result from accidents at work.

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Athletes and sports enthusiasts

People who play ball games, go hiking, running, cycling or play sports are more prone to injuries caused by accidents. From abrasions or sprains to fractures and joint injuries, Bowtie Accident Insurance will cover your medical expenses with up to $420k benefit limit.

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Plan Details


Treatment due to injury or accident
Payable for the actual expenses for Medically Necessary treatments which are incurred within 12 month of the date of the Accident. Medical treatments covered include:

- Physiotherapy, chiropractic and Chinese bone-setting treatments (as Outpatient)
- Outpatient treatments; and
- Inpatient treatments and Day Case Procedures, with benefit categories similar to hospital indemnity insurance plans


Exception: Psychiatric treatment in Hong Kong only

Claim method

We will reimburse the expenses incurred up to the benefit limit according to the benefit items listed in the table

Same Eligible Expenses item will only be reimbursable under one benefit item

If the Insured Person is entitled to a reimbursement of all or part of such expenses from other sources, we will only be liable for an amount recovered from such other sources

Benefit limit

Limit 1: Each benefit item has individual benefit limit as listed in the table below
Limit 2: HK $420,000 per Policy Year

Benefit Summary

Benefit Item

Benefit limit (in HKD)

(a) Physiotherapy, chiropractic and Chinese bone-setting treatments

⚠️ include charges on the treatments respectively performed by a Registered Physiotherapist, a Registered Chiropractor and a Registered Chinese Bonesetter

For Injuries that involve bone fracture:
- 6 visits per Accident causing the injury
- $500 per visit
- 1 visit per day

For Injuries that involve no bone fracture:
- 4 visits per Accident causing injury
- $250 per visit
- 1 visit per day

8 visits per Policy Year (including visits for either of the above two types of Injuries)

(b) Outpatient treatments

⚠️ include charges on:
(i) consultation and medication by a Registered Medical Practitioner (excluding psychiatric treatment); and
(ii) diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound

$5,000 per Policy Year
- Consultation and Medication: $580 per visit

(c) Room and Board

$750 per day; 180 days per Policy Year

(d) Attending doctor's visit fees

$750 per day;180 days per Policy Year

(e) Intensive care

$3,500 per day;25 days per Policy Year

(f) Confinement miscellaneous charges

$14,000 per Policy Year

(g) Specialist's fees

$4,300 per Policy Year

(h) Surgeon's fees

Per surgery, subject to the surgical category in the Schedule of Surgical procedures:
- Complex - $50,000 per Surgery
- Major - $25,000 per Surgery
- Intermediate - $12,500 per Surgery
- Minor - $5,000 per Surgery

(i) Anaesthetist's fees

35% of Surgeon’s fee payable – If the benefit payable under Surgeon’s fee is $10,000, the maximum Anaesthetist’s fee to be reimbursed will be: $10,000 × 35% = $3,500

(j) Operating theatre charges

35% of Surgeon’s fee payable – If the benefit payable under Surgeon’s fee is $10,000, the maximum operating theatre charges to be reimbursed will be: $10,000 × 35% = $3,500

(k) Prescribed Diagnostic Imaging Tests

include: (i) computed tomography (“CT” scan); (ii) magnetic resonance imaging (“MRI” scan); (iii) positron emission tomography (“PET” scan); (iv) PET-CT combined; and (v) PET-MRI combined

Subject to Your Contribution of 30% of the charges If you had a PET-MRI scan which cost $15,000, Your Contribution will be: $15,000 × 30% = $4,500; The maximum charge to be reimbursed will be: $15,000 × 70% = $10,500 o $20,000 per Policy Year If you had a second PET-MRI scan within the same Policy Year which again cost $15,000, the maximum reimbursement will be up to the remaining Policy Year benefit limit: $20,000 – $10,500 = $9,500

(l) Psychiatric treatments

include charges on the psychiatric treatments during Confinement in Hong Kong as recommended by a Specialist

$30,000 per Policy Year

(m) Compassionate death benefit


For further information, please refer to the documents below.

Policy Exclusions

Except for the compassionate death benefit, no payment will be made under the Plan fo rexpenses caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly by any of the following:

  1. Hazardous activities: engaging in
    (i) winter sports;
    (ii) combat activities;
    (iii) racing on wheels (except cycling) or on horse;
    (iv) hazardous sports including rugby football, American football, ice hockey;
    (v) aerial flights (including bungee-jumping, hang-gliding, ballooning, parachuting and sky-diving), other than fare-paying passenger on a licensed carrying commercial aircraft operating in a regular scheduled route;(vi) underwater activities involving the use of breathing apparatus;
    (vii) rock climbing, mountaineering (which requires the use of ropes or guides);
    (viii) other hazardous activities similar in nature to the above;
  2. Professional sports: engaging in a sport in a professional capacity, including but notlimited to where the Insured Person would or could earn remuneration from engaging insuch sport;
  3. Solely diagnostic procedures: the whole (or part) of the Confinement solely for the purpose of diagnostic procedures or allied health services. This includes, but is not limited to, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. The exception is if such procedure or service is recommended by a Registered Medical Practitioner for MedicallyNecessary investigation, or for treatment of a Disability which cannot be effectively performed in a setting for providing Medical Services to a Day Patient;
  4. Pre-existing Condition(s);
  5. Cosmetic purposes: Medical Services for beautification or cosmetic purposes, except where such Medical Services are necessitated by an Injury and where the Insured Person receives the Medical Services within ninety (90) days of the Accident;
  6. Visual correction: correcting visual acuity or refractive errors that can be corrected by the fitting of spectacles or contact lens. This includes, but is not limited to, eye refractive therapy, LASIK and any related tests, procedures and services;
  7. HIV and AIDS: any illness, Disease, ptomaines or infection (except infection which directly results from an accidental cut or wound). This includes infection with any HumanImmunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and/or any HIV-related illness including AIDS and/or any mutations, derivations or variations thereof;
  8. Childbirth: pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion, childbirth or any complications from the above;
  9. Already reimbursed: treatment of any Injury for which expenses have been reimbursed under any law, or medical program, or insurance policy provided by any government, company or other third party;
  10. Drugs and illegal activities: Accidents arising from, or consequential upon the dependence, overdose or influence of:
    (i) dependence, overdose or influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or similar drugs or agents, or
    (ii) self-inflicted injuries or attempted suicide, or
    (iii) illegal activity, or
    (iv) violation or attempted violation of the law, or resistance to arrest;
  11. Armed forces: participation in any armed force or peace-keeping activities;
  12. Nuclear, biological, and chemical activities: accidents of nuclear, biological, and chemical related activities. This includes nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel, from nuclear waste resulted from combustion of nuclear fuels or nuclear weapons, or any act of nuclear, chemical or biological terrorism, including
  13. War and terrorism: revolutions and war (declared or undeclared), acts of terrorism;

If the Insured Person commits suicide, whether he/she is sane or insane, within one year of the Policy Issuance Date, our liability will be limited to a refund of the premiums paid. The above paragraphs are for reference only.

You should refer to the “Part 3: What is not covered” section in the terms and conditions of this plan for the complete list and details of exclusions.

Key Risks
  1. Premium Adjust Risk - Standard premium rates are not guaranteed and are subject to change based on the emerging experience of Bowtie in relation to claims, persistency and expenses, medical cost inflation and any change in the benefit structure. Therefore, renewal premiums may be higher or lower than the premium currently reflected.
  2. Products Features Revision - Bowtie reserves the right to revise the terms and benefits upon policy renewal by giving 30 days’ advance written notice.  
  3. Cancellation - We reserve the absolute right to cancel this plan at any time by giving you prior notice of at least 30 days  by electronic means. The unearned portion of the premium at the time of termination shall be refunded to you.

Items listed for reference only. Please refer to the below attached document for details.

Important Product Information

Product Category
Accident Medical Reimbursement Plan – Reimbursement for medical expenses incurred within 12 months due to an accident
Issue Age
age 2 – age 55
Period of Cover
1 year – Annual renewal up to age 60 (non-guaranteed)
Waiting Period
  • Upon renewal, there shall be no re-underwriting. No additional rate of premium loading or case-based exclusions shall be imposed by reason of any change in the Insured Person's health conditions.
  • If the Insured Person changes to a more hazardous occupation, the corresponding premium rate for such more hazardous occupation will be applied.
  • Upon renewal, we reserve the right to revise Policy Terms and Conditions, including the prevailing standard premium schedule.
Cooling-off Period
21 days
Within the cooling-off period, you may cancel the Plan and receive a full refund of premium
Policy Cancellation
You may request cancellation of the Plan by giving at least 30 days prior notice.
Tax Deduction
The information on the page is for reference only, please refer to the full and detailed Policy Terms and Conditions.


Does Bowtie Touchwood Protector have any ward class restrictions?

No. Touch Wood Protector does not have room class restrictions or compensation adjustment factors. In other words, whether you stay in a general ward, semi-private room, or private room, you can be reimbursed 100% up to the plan's coverage limits.

Please note: The benefit limits of Touchwood Protector are determined based on the charges for a general ward. Semi-private and private rooms are more expensive than general wards, so if you stay in a semi-private or private room, the reimbursement rate may be lower compared to staying in a general ward.

How is the Bowtie Touchwood Protector premium determined?

Premium is determined based on your age, gender and occupation. You can visit product website and clicks “Apply now” to get the instant quotation.

Rest assured, you do not need to provide personal information like credit card or phone number to get an instant approval result.

What is the difference between Bowtie Touch Wood Protector and other accident insurance plans on the market?

There are various types of accident insurance. Some offer accidental death benefit or permanent disability benefit only. Some provide inpatient and other medical treatment protection. Bowtie Accident Insurance covers any medical expenses that result from accidents within a 12-months period. Covered treatments include:

  1. Physiotherapy chiropractic treatments, and Chinese bone-setting
  2. Outpatient treatment
  3. Hospitalization & Day Surgeries

For details of the benefit limit, refer to the Benefit Schedule, Terms and Conditions and Key Risks and Policy Exclusions.

Is there a waiting period for Bowtie Touch Wood Protector?

No, You are covered immediately after the policy takes effect. For the benefit details, please refer to the Terms and Condition and Key Risks and Policy Exclusions.

What is the definition of "Accident" under Bowtie Touch Wood Protector?

The definition of "Accident" under Touch Wood Protector shall mean a sudden and unforeseen event of violent, accidental, external and visible means which occurs entirely beyond the control of the Insured Person while this Plan is in force.

Have questions about Bowtie's products? Our Product Specialists can assist you!
Providing you with personalized product consultations and commission-free!
Service Hours: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
By scheduling a consultation or WhatsApp inquiry, you acknowledge that you have read  Bowtie's Personal Information Collection Statement and agree to the use of your personal data for contact.
For inquiries regarding existing policies, please contact our Customer Service Department:
Hotline: 3008 8123 | Email: | Click “Live Chat” at the bottom right corner

1. You can also find out the premiums for the next five years for reference.
2. You can take a photo of your HKID or upload your ID as a file. If you are unable to upload your ID currently, you can upload it later.
3. If you do not have a valid credit card, please contact our customer service.

*Terms and Conditions apply

* The information is for reference only. For benefit limit details, refer to the Policy Terms and Conditions.
Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong.
Bowtie Accident Insurance Touchwood Protector is underwritten by our company and is intended for sale in Hong Kong only.
The above is for reference only. For detailed terms and conditions of the product, please refer to the policy.