Economical choice
Economical choice
Same Coverage at lower-cost


Technology enhances affordability

Save up to 46%# of the premium with the same level of protection#

#The above data is based on the premiums of the Voluntary Health Insurance Standard Plan on the market on December 19, 2024. Plan premiums from other insurance companies are calculated based on annual premiums, using premiums for a 30-year-old non-smoking male as an example. Please refer to the relevant policy, and its terms and conditions for details.

Comply with the framework of VHIS from Health Bureau

Bowtie’s VHIS-Standard provides benefits items that are mostly the same as the market, with even better protections by providing total and permanent incapacity income benefit.

Cashless settlement to reduce your financial burden

If you are admitted to a private hospital, you may apply for our cashless settlement service to reduce financial stress on your emergency cash flow.

Covering your hospitalisation and surgeries expenses

Reimbursement is not limited to any accident or disease
Outpatient treatment before admission and after discharge is not covered
Symptom onset/ diagnosis
Prescribed diagnostic imaging tests
i.e. CT Scan, MRI Scan, PET Scan
Inpatient/Day Preoperative Outpatient Care
Outpatient or emergency care required prior to hospitalisation or day surgery
Room and board
Attending doctor's visit fee
Specialist’s fee
Prescribed non-surgical cancer treatment
i.e. Targeted drugs, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, etc.
Psychiatric treatment
Intensive care
Day/ Inpatient Surgery
Surgeon’s fee
Anaesthetist’s fee
Operating theatre charges
i.e. Gastroscopy, colonoscopy, wart removal, etc.
Post-recovery follow-up
Post-confinement/day case procedure outpatient care 
但隨計劃附送的 BowtieGo 門診服務 ,可讓你以低至半價睇門診醫生,並毋須額外申請索償。
🤒 因傷風感冒前往醫院門診或診所求醫 (但毋須住院或接受手術)
🔎 因大便有血前往診所求醫
😷 接受腸鏡檢查
門診診金 +
🤕 因意外受傷而前往醫院門診或醫院急症室求醫 (不包括一般西醫診所)
門診診金 +
無經紀 一樣好 Claim
任何索償問題及申請,都有索償服務顧問  1 對 1 跟進
了解更多 →
Filing a claim is effortless.
For any claims issues and applications, there will be 1:1 follow-up by our claims specialist.
Learn more →

Benefit Schedule

Suggested ward type

Benefit amountNo lifetime limit

Take a 30-year-old non-smoking male as an example

VHIS Standard
General Ward
Benefit amount
From $131/month
Detailed Benefit Schedule

Want to explore other coverage levels of Bowtie's VHIS plans?

Mix and match to fill protection gaps

Extra cancer coverage

From $57/month6

Bowtie Cancer Fighter
Supplementary coverage for non-surgical cancer treatment such as targeted drugs, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Additional support

NEW No-Claim Rewards 1
Earn BowtieCash^ - worth 8% of your monthly premium to pay-off future medical expenses and redeem designated health services.
Cashless Settlement Service 2
Applicable to inpatient treatment and prescribed diagnostic imaging tests, allowing you to have a worry-free treatment.
NEW Designated Prescribed Diagnostic Imaging Tests Referral
Bowtie Health Specialist will book appointments at designated imaging centers and apply for pre-approval on your behalf for designated Prescribed Diagnostic Imaging Tests.
24 - hour Global
Emergency Assistance
In the event of an emergency during a business trip or holiday, call the 24-hour worldwide emergency hotline for assistance.
NEW No-Claim Rewards 1
Earn BowtieCash^ - worth 8% of your monthly premium to pay-off future medical expenses and redeem designated health services.

Product Information

Eligible for persons aged 15 days to age 80
unknown pre-existing conditions
and congenital diseases
No waiting period
Excluding Unknown Pre-existing Conditions, enjoy 100% reimbursement starting from the second policy year.
Qualifying premiums of up to HK$8,000 paid under VHIS per year is eligible for Tax Deduction
Guaranteed annual renewal up to age 100
Worldwide coverage  (including immigration and travel)#
Monthly payment


  • Upon renewal, there shall be no re-underwriting. No additional rate of premium loading or case-based exclusions shall be imposed by reason of any change in the Insured Person's health conditions.
  • Upon renewal, we reserve the right to revise Policy Terms and Conditions, including the prevailing standard premium schedule, subject to prior approval by the Health Bureau.
Please refer to the policy terms and conditions for details.

Policy Cancellation

  • You may request cancellation of the policy by giving us a prior notice with at least 30 working days.

Cooling-off Period

  • Within 21 days of the cooling-off period, you may cancel the policy and receive a full refund of premium.

Tax Deduction

  • Taxpayers who purchase any Certified Plan of VHIS for him/herself or any specified family members are eligible for tax deductions. Click here for details.

Policy Exclusions

Under these Terms and Benefits, the Company shall not pay any benefits in relation to or arising from the following expenses:
  • Treatments, procedures, medications, tests or services which are not Medically Necessary;
  • Confinement solely for the purpose of diagnostic procedures or allied health services, unless such procedure or service is recommended by a Registered Medical Practitioner for Medically Necessary investigation or treatment of a Disability which cannot be effectively performed in a setting for providing Medical Services to a Day Patient;
  • Treatment of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (“HIV”) and its related disability, which is contracted or occurs before the Policy Effective Date. If evidence of proof as to the time at which such Disability is first contracted or occurs is not available, manifestation of such Disability within the first 5 years after the Policy Effective Date shall be presumed to be contracted or occur before the Policy Effective Date (except cases where HIV and its related disability is caused by sexual assault, medical assistance, organ transplant, blood transfusions or blood donation, or infection at birth);
  • Dependence, overdose or influence of drugs, alcohol, narcotics or similar drugs or agents;
  • Self-inflicted injuries or attempted suicide, illegal activity, or venereal and sexually transmitted disease or its sequelae;
  • Beautification or cosmetic purposes, unless necessitated by injury caused by an Accident and the Insured Person receives the Medical Services within 90 days of the Accident;
  • Correction of visual acuity or refractive errors that can be corrected by fitting of spectacles or contact lens;
  • Prophylactic treatment or preventive care (except treatments, monitoring, investigation or procedures with the purpose of avoiding complications, removal of pre-malignant conditions, and prevention of recurrence of complication);
  • Dental treatment and oral and maxillofacial procedures performed by a dentist (except for emergency treatment and surgery during Confinement arising from an Accident);
  • Medical Services and counselling services relating to maternity conditions and its complications or sexual dysfunction;
  • Purchase of durable medical equipment or appliances;
  • Traditional Chinese medicine treatment;
  • Experimental or unproven medical technology or procedure in accordance with the common standard, or not approved by the recognised authority, in the locality where the treatment, procedure, test or service is received;
  • Congenital Conditions which have manifested or been diagnosed before the Insured Person attained the age of 8;
  • Treatment for Disability arising from war, civil war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, or military or usurped power;
  • Reimbursements under any law, or medical program or insurance policy provided by any government, company or other third party.
The above list is for reference only. You should refer to the “General Exclusions” section in the Terms and Conditions of this plan for the complete list and details of exclusions.

Bowtie VHIS Registration Information

  • Name of VHIS certified plan :
    Bowtie VHIS Standard
  • VHIS certification number:
    Available for new application
    Not available for new applications
  • VHIS Provider Registration No.:
  • Registration Effective Date:
    21 March 2019
The information on the page is for reference only. For the full and detailed policy terms and conditions, please refer to the product documents.
Best for Top-up

Free upgrades in coverage
Get adequate protection at an affordable price

Upgrades in Bowtie’s VHIS in 2024

Check out what’s new this year!
Learn more +


Our customer service staff will listen to your concerns, provide detailed explanation of the products, assist with quotations and insurance applications.
About the application procedures →

Filing a Claim

Our claims specialist will follow up on the claim application and progress. We will also provide compensation estimates and arrange cashless settlement services. A hotline for the claim department is set up for your enquiries!
About the claim procedures →

Management of policies

Insurance and claim application progress will be updated via email and online platform. You may view and download all policy documents, benefit balance, claim records and other information at any time on the online platform!

Highly Recognised by Our Customers

Bowtie VHIS customers


What are the differences between Bowtie VHIS and other insurance products offered by Bowtie?

Comparison of Insurance Plans:

  VHIS Cancer Fighter Touchwood Protector Critical Illness Term Life
Product Nature Not limited to any accident or disease, cover the eligible medical expenses required for hospitalization or surgery due to medical needs. Cover the eligible medical expenses for all levels of malignant cancer and carcinoma in situ¹

Cover the actual expenses for medically necessary treatments due to accidental injuries within 12 months after the accident. Receive compensation to help cover living expenses or medical costs once you are diagnosed with a specified critical illness (including cancer, stroke, and heart disease) Death Benefit
Modes of Settlement Reimbursement Reimbursement Reimbursement One lump sum payment One lump sum payment
Maximum Benefit Limits / Sum insured - Standard Plan : HK$420K / Year;No lifetime limits
- Flexi Plan: Up to HK$1M / Year; No lifetime limits
- Bowtie Pink: Up to $20M / Year; $80M /Lifetime
- Cancer Fighter 100: HK$1M /Lifetime
- Cancer Fighter 200: HK$2M /Lifetime
- Cancer Fighter 300: HK$3M /Lifetime
HK$420K / year HK$4M (15 days - 45 year old)
HK$2M (46 - 60 year old)
HK$1M (61 - 65 year old)
HK$20M (Existing customer²)
HK$8M (18 - 45 year old)
HK$4M (46 - 55 year old)
HK$3.5M(56 - 60 year old)
HK$1M (61 - 65 year old)
Maximum Renewable Age Guaranteed renewal to age 100 or for life* Guaranteed lifetime renewal Renewal to age 60 Guaranteed renewal to age 85 Guaranteed renewal to age 100
Plan Option - Standard Plan
- Flexi Plan
- Bowtie Pink
- Cancer Fighter 100
- Cancer Fighter 200
- Cancer Fighter 300
- Touchwood Protector - Term CI
- Term CI Multiple Cover
- Term CI Early Stage and Multiple Cover
- Term Life


¹ Bowtie Cancer Fighter covers all grades of malignant cancer and carcinoma in situ, excluding precancerous lesions, CIN I or CIN II cervical anomalies, or all cancers coexisting with HIV infection.cinoma in situ, excluding precancerous lesions, CIN I or CIN II cervical anomalies, or all cancers coexisting with HIV infection.
² Existing customers can increase their coverage limit up to a maximum of HK$20,000,000 after undergoing underwriting and a medical examination. Click here to learn more.
*This Applies only to the Flexible Plan and Bowtie Pink.
The above information is for reference only. For detailed terms and conditions above is for reference only. For detailed terms and conditions, key risks and policy exclusions of the product, please refer to the policy.

What is VHIS / What are the differences with Traditional Medical Insurance in the Market?

Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme (VHIS), regulated by the Health Bureau, is a personal medical insurance that reimburses eligible medical expenses related to hospitalization and day surgeries. All VHIS must meet several standardized product features including policy terms, minimum coverage, and premium transparency. Although insurers can have different coverages and designs for their Flexi Plans, all terms and coverages cannot be set below the standards of the VHIS Standard.


Comparison of VHIS and General Medical Insurance:

  VHIS General Medical Insurance
Lifetime Coverage Limit ❌¹
Tax Benefits
Age of Insurability 15 days - 80 years 15 days - 70 years
Guaranteed Renewal Age Guaranteed lifetime renewal, VHIS Standard guaranteed renewal until age 100 Determined by the insurer
Waiting Period ❌²
Coverage for Pre-existing Conditions Unknown at the time of insuring ✔³
Hospital and Surgical Coverage Covers treatments during hospital stays, may not cover non-hospital treatments
Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment  
Day Surgery Coverage
Coverage for Congenital Diseases ✔ (Coverage starts from age 8 for diagnosed congenital conditions)  
Outpatient Diagnostic Procedures like CT, MRI, PET

Bowtie currently offers three VHIS plans: Standard, Flexi, and BowtiePink, each with varying coverage amounts, ward classes, and deductibles. You can view detailed plan comparisons here.

¹ VHIS Standard Plan does not have a lifetime coverage limit; individual Flexi Plans may have a lifetime coverage limit.
² VHIS Standard Plan has an exclusion period for "Unknown Pre-existing Conditions."
³ VHIS Standard Plan has a waiting period for "Unknown Pre-existing Conditions." The first policy year is a waiting period, partial coverage starts in the second year (25% in the second year, 50% in the third year), and full reimbursement (100%) begins in the fourth policy year.

What are the differences between the 3 Bowtie VHIS Plan?

Bowtie currently offers 3 VHIS Plans, including Standard Plan, Flexi Plan, and BowtiePink, each with different coverage limits, room grades, and deductible options.

You can choose primarily based on whether you already have health insurance:

  • If you do not have health insurance - VHIS Standard or VHIS Flexi
  • If you already have health insurance - BowtiePink
  VHIS Standard VHIS Flexi Bowtie Pink
Features Suitable for those with a limited premium budget
  • Standard room
  • Covers basic hospitalization and surgical expenses
Suitable for long-term primary medical coverage
  • Options for Ward room / Semi-private room
  • Includes Supplementary Major Medical (SMM)
Suitable for those looking to enhance existing health insurance coverage
  • Options for ward room, Semi-private room, or Private room
  • Four deductible options: HK$80,000, HK$50,000, HK$20,000, and HK$0
Basic coverage limit HK$420,000/ /year, with no lifetime limit.
  • Regular Plan: HK$600,000 /year, with no lifetime limit.
  • Plus Plan: HK$1,000,000 /year, with no lifetime limit.
  • Ward Plan: HK$8 million per year; HK$40 million per lifetime
  • Semi-private Plan: HK$10 million per year; HK$50 million per lifetime
  • Private Plan: HK$20 million per year; HK$80 million per lifetime

Click here to view a detailed comparison of the plans. If needed, you can also seek for product advice via WhatsApp at 6016 5980!

What is co-insurance and which coverage items have co-insurance?

Co-insurance means that the insured person shares a portion of the costs for certain covered services on a percentage basis.

"Co-insurance" - Calculated based on individual protection items and percentages, shared between the insured and the insurance company.

Assume the insured must bear 20% co-insurance for a claim item, with medical costs of $120,000:
Compensation provided by the insurance company = $120,000 X 80% = $96,000
Costs paid by the insured = $120,000 X 20% = $24,000

Bowtie VHIS includes co-insurance for the following plans:

Bowtie VHIS Standard

  • Prescribed diagnostic imaging tests including CT, MRI, and PET scans: 30% co-insurance

Bowtie VHIS Flexi

  • Prescribed diagnostic imaging tests including CT, MRI, and PET scans: 30% co-insurance
    Supplementary Major Medical (SMM): 20% co-insurance

Bowtie Pink

  • Does not have co-insurance items
Is there any waiting period for VHIS?

Generally, there is no waiting period for illnesses that arise after you enroll in Bowtie VHIS Plan.

Bowtie VHIS only has a waiting period for "pre-existing conditions unknown to you at the time of enrolment." These are conditions that you already had before enrolling, but were unaware of because there were no obvious symptoms, and you did not seek medical advice or treatment.

In simple terms, if you were unaware that you had a certain condition when you enrolled, but are later diagnosed and need treatment for it after enrolling, the eligible expenses will be subject to the following waiting periods and reimbursement ratios.


Flexi Plan and Bowtie Pink

Waiting Period (from the effective date of the policy) Reimbursement ratio
The first 90 days 0%
On and after the 91st day 100% of the eligible medical expenses within the benefit limit


Standard Plan

Waiting Period (by Policy Year) Reimbursement ratio
1st policy year 0%
2nd policy year 25% of the eligible medical expenses within benefit limit
3rd policy year 50% of the eligible medical expenses within benefit limit
4th policy year onwards 100% of the eligible medical expenses within benefit limit.
Have questions about Bowtie's products? Our Product Specialists can assist you!
Providing you with personalized product consultations and commission-free!
Service Hours: 9:30 am to 6:30 pm, Monday to Friday

Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Public Holidays
By scheduling a consultation or WhatsApp inquiry, you acknowledge that you have read  Bowtie's Personal Information Collection Statement and agree to the use of your personal data for contact.
For inquiries regarding existing policies, please contact our Customer Service Department:
Hotline: 3008 8123 | Email: | Click “Live Chat” at the bottom right corner
The above information is for reference only. For detailed terms and conditions of the product, key risks, and exclusions, please refer to the policy.

Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited (Bowtie) is a limited liability company incorporated in Hong Kong. Bowtie VHIS Standard Plan is underwritten by Bowtie and intended for sale in Hong Kong only. If you see a "+" symbol, you can click on it to view more information.