眼鏡 88 客户專享限時優惠之條款及細則

眼鏡 88 客戶專享限時優惠(「此優惠」)只適用於即日起至 2024 年 12 月 31 日期間(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」) 使用指定優惠碼成功批核及獲繕發之指定保單(「合資格保單」)。合資格保單指保單生效日後90 天後依然有效之任何 Bowtie Pink 自願醫保系列產品

  1. 新客戶使用指定優惠碼於推廣期內成功投保指定 Bowtie Pink 自願醫保保單,可享有首年保費 5 折及眼鏡88 $1,000 電子現金券。
  2. 新客戶是指從未持有或成為任何 Bowtie 個人保險保單的受保人。
  3. Bowtie 將會在合資格保單生效後的 90 天內發出換領電郵予保單持有人的登記電郵,保單持有人可跟據指示進行換領。
  4. Bowtie 對此優惠保留最終決定權,並有權終止或用同等價值及/或規格的獎品代替原先全部或部份服務及優惠而不作事前通知。如保單持有人於合資格保單的首個保單年度終結前取消保單或退保,Bowtie 有權追討有關電子現金卷之費用。
  5. 任何因電腦、網路等技術問題導致投保人所遞交的資料有所遲延、遺失、錯誤的情況,Bowtie 毋須負上任何責任。所有與投保有關之日期及時間(包括但不限推廣期)均以 Bowtie 的時間紀錄為準。
  6. Bowtie 保留在不作任何事前通知的情況下修改、暫停或取消此優惠及修改其條款及細則的權利。如對以上優惠有任何爭議, Bowtie 保留最終決定權。
  7. 是次活動禮品之眼鏡 88 電子現金券由眼鏡 88提供, 並由 Bowtie 贊助。
  8. Bowtie 並非此現金券之供應商,有關服務之任何問題或投訴或其相關服務質素,Bowtie 概不負責。 由此服務或其他眼鏡 88 提供的服務所產生之任何責任,及有關服務之任何問題或投訴或其相關服務質素,Bowtie 概不負責,請直接與有關供應商或第三方聯絡或查詢。
  9. 眼鏡 88 電子現金券受條款與細則約束,詳情請參閱電子現金券兌換電郵。如有任何有關電子現金券之爭議,眼鏡 88 保留使用上的最終決定權。
  10. 此優惠及/或條款及細則的任何內容均不構成 Optical 88 針對任何保險產品而提供的意見。
  11. 眼鏡88並非持牌保險中介人或Bowtie 之授權代理商。您應向專業人士諮詢有關保險產品資訊,並按個人需要選擇適合你的保險產品 。

Optical 88 Limited-time Offer Terms and Conditions

Optical 88 Limited-time Offer ("the Offer") is only applicable to the policy  ("Eligible Policy")  that is successfully submitted and issued from now to Dec 31, 2024 (”Promotion Period”). Eligible policy refers to any Bowtie Pink that remains valid 90 days after the policy's effective date.

  1. New customer who successfully applies with designated promo code for designated products can enjoy the following offers:
    a. Bowtie VHIS Pink Plan: 50% off first-year premium;
    b. Optical 88 $1,000 e-cash voucher (“e-Gift Voucher”)
  2. “New Customer” refers to the insured person who has never been under the protection of or held any Bowtie individual insurance policy.
  3. Bowtie will send an email for redemption to the registered email of the policyholder within 90 days of the effective date of the eligible policy. The policyholder may proceed with redemption according to the instructions provided.
  4. Bowtie reserves the right to make the final decision regarding this offer, and may terminate or substitute all or part of the services and benefits with prizes of equivalent value and/or specifications without prior notice. If the policyholder cancels or surrenders the policy before the end of the first policy year of the eligible policy, Bowtie reserves the right to reclaim the relevant electronic cash voucher fees.
  5. Bowtie shall not be liable for any delays, losses, or errors in data submitted by policyholders due to computer, internet, or other technical issues. All dates and times related to insurance (including but not limited to promotional periods) shall be based on Bowtie's records of time.
  6. Bowtie reserves the right to modify, suspend, or cancel this offer and to modify its terms and conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes regarding the above offer, Bowtie reserves the final decision.
  7. The “e-Gift Voucher” is provided by Optical 88 and sponsored by Bowtie.
  8. Bowtie is not the supplier of this cash voucher. Bowtie shall not be responsible for any issues or complaints regarding the service, quality, or related matters. Bowtie shall not be liable for any liabilities arising from such services or any issues or complaints regarding the service, quality, or related matters generated by this service or other services provided by Optical 88. Please contact the relevant supplier or third party directly for inquiries.
  9. The “e-Gift Voucher” is subject to terms and conditions. Please refer to the redemption email for details. In case of any disputes regarding the e-cash voucher, Optical 88 reserves the final decision on usage.
  10. The content of this offer and/or terms and conditions does not constitute advice provided by Optical 88 regarding any insurance product.
  11. Optical 88 is not a licensed insurance intermediary or authorized agent of Bowtie. You should consult professionals for information about insurance products and choose the insurance products that suit your needs.