BowtieCash Program 推廣活動細則

最後更新日期:2024 年 7 月 18 日


本計劃旨在透過特惠賠償提高賠償額和提供健康服務以作換領,旨在以獎勵長期積極參與 Bowtie 推廣活動的保單持有人。本計劃的目標是根據保單持有人在本計劃下累積的 BowtieCash 餘額,就保單持有人提出的索償提高賠償額和換領健康服務。BowtieCash 只能用於 Bowtie 的保險及索償服務和換領健康服務,不可直接兌換現金。

因 Bowtie 力求持續改進本計劃,本計劃條款及細則可能隨時間改變。請保單持有人務必了解,Bowtie 可全權決定隨時單方面修訂本計劃。 本計劃並非在法律上可強制執行的保險合約。


第1部分 一般細則

第1條 賺取BowtieCash

1. Bowtie可因新保單持有人及/或現有保單持有人對Bowtie不時進行的推廣活動的參與而向其獎賞BowtieCash。倘保單持有人退出該等活動(包括但不限於特定日期前延遲或未有採取行動以及撤回保單交易),他/她將喪失享有相關BowtieCash的權利。

2. BowtieCash僅可由Bowtie酌情決定獎賞及分配予Bowtie保單。

第2條 BowtieCash的運用

3. 除非本計劃條款及細則另有界定,否則本計劃條款及細則使用的詞語與保泰自願醫保計劃的條款及細則賦予該等詞語的涵義相同。

4. BowtieCash可在特惠的基礎上運用,以在保單持有人於保泰自願醫保計劃下提出有關合資格費用的索償時提高索償償還額。當保單持有人提出索償時:

  • 保單持有人可選擇使用 BowtieCash 與否。
  • 合資格費用應首先由保單下的保障支付。
  • 倘合資格費用的金額超過賠償限額,且在招致合資格費用當日的BowtieCash餘額並非零或更少,則將被運用的 BowtieCash 為該超出額或招致合資格費用當日的BowtieCash餘額(以較低者為準)。
  • 在支付索償後,BowtieCash餘額將扣減BowtieCash用作支付索償的金額。

5. 對索償的特惠調整將按一比一的比例運用BowtieCash:具體指一港元BowtieCash可用作支付一港元的合資格費用索償。倘合資格費用由其他貨幣造成,則須根據保泰自願醫保保單下的條款及細則將其轉換為港元。請保單持有人務必了解該調整乃在特惠基礎上作出,因此Bowtie可全權決定以BowtieCash餘額支付索償的方式。

6. 當在擁有BowtieCash餘額的保單下提出索償時,保單持有人明白及同意:

  • 保泰自願醫保計劃的保障表、不保項目、條款及細則適用於在本計劃條款及細則制定之初以及每次續期(如適用)時在本計劃下應支付的所有保障福利。
  • 應支付的保障受特定個別不保項目(因受保人在申請中告知本公司的投保前已有病症或影響可保性的其他因素所致)的規限。
  • BowtieCash不得用於支付保單持有人的保泰自願醫保計劃中無法償付的任何費用(如對未知的投保前已有病症(1) 及/或病房類別(2) 的調整因子運用償付比率)。
  • 應付保單持有人的所有保障須按照條款及細則以及保泰自願醫保保單的保障表所載實際招致的合資格費用金額進行償付。
  • 倘保單持有人投保除BowtieCash計劃以外的其他保險,保單持有人有權根據任何有關其他保險或BowtieCash計劃提出索償。然而,倘保單持有人或受保人已從任何有關其他保險中收回全部或部份合資格費用,本公司僅負責支付並無由任何其他保險賠償的合資格費用金額(如有)。
  • 在BowtieCash計劃及保泰自願醫保保單下應支付的合資格費用總金額不得超過提供予受保人的實際醫療服務費用。

7. BowtieCash 也可用作換領某些保健產品和服務(「健康服務」)。有關健康服務由 Bowtie 或任何 Bowtie 指定的合作夥伴提供,而每項福利都可能受其他條款及細則約束。當保單持有人換領健康服務時:

  • 已換領的健康服務將不得轉讓至保單持有人及受保人以外的人士使用,亦不可更換、退回、轉換其他禮品或轉換至現金。
  • 如果保單持有人不採取行動兌換某些健康服務,則某些健康服務可能會過期。若在 Bowtie 指定的時間內保單持有人仍未採取行動以兌換健康服務,則可能會失去獲得該健康服務的權利。
  • 保單持有人可以自行決定使用與否及使用哪些服務和福利。 
  • 為了兌換並使用某些健康服務,除了 BowtieCash 之外,保單持有人或可能需要額外付款。例如,在某些情況下,保單持有人可能需要聘請一位 Bowtie的合作醫生來完成服務,而即使保單持有人已支付 BowtieCash(如有),保單持有人仍可能需要就此付費。有關資料將在保單持有人兌換健康服務之前提供。
  • 部分健康服務由 Bowtie 的合作夥伴提供。 如果保單持有人使用 Bowtie 合作夥伴提供的健康服務或與他們進行其他互動,即代表同意合作夥伴適用於產品或服務的條款及細則,並且必須遵守那些條款及自行承擔風險。就以下事項,Bowtie 將不承擔任何責任,並且不作出任何保證,認可或建議:
    • Bowtie 任何合作夥伴的資格或專業知識; 
    • Bowtie 合作夥伴的任何行為、產品或服務,包括它們是否具可商售品質、適合任何特定目的或提供時是否行事謹慎;
    • Bowtie 任何合作夥伴提供或通過本計劃提供的任何資料或建議;
    • 合作夥伴網站或其他平台的任何內容;及 
    • Bowtie 任何合作夥伴是否可提供任何產品或服務。
  • 有些服務或產品可能會不時不能使用,或因為保單持有人或受保人身處某些地區或不屬某些年齡層而不能使用。如保單持有人或受保人因以上限制而不能使用任何服務或產品,Bowtie 將不承擔任何責任。
  • 保單持有人或受保人需要自行承擔使用服務或產品的風險。通過 BowtieCash 提供的健康服務及通過 BowtieCash 提供給個別保單持有人或受保人的資訊和材料可能並不適合所有會員。保單持有人或受保人在使用服務或產品時必須盡力確保自己的安全並避免對自己造成傷害。
  • 透過 BowtieCash 領取健康服務並不構成醫療建議,並且不能替代醫療建議或治療。保單持有人或受保人應就個人情況(包括任何健康或醫療狀況)諮詢醫生或獨立於 BowtieCash 的適當專業人員。
  • Bowtie及其合作夥伴對健康服務(不論已換領與否)保留最終決定權,並有權終止或用同等價值及/或規格的獎品代替原先全部或部份服務及優惠而不作事前通知。

8. Bowtie 可以隨時在作或不作通知的情況下,自行決定撤回、暫停或修改任何 BowtieCash 的使用用途或福利 。

第3條 雜項

9. BowtieCash的運用須遵循「先進先出」原則,根據該原則,最先賺取的BowtieCash將最先用作支付索償。

10. BowtieCash將在以下情況下期滿失效(以最早發生者為準):

  • 獲獎賞BowtieCash之日起計七(7)年;
  • 受保人年滿65歲;及
  • 終止與BowtieCash有關保單之日。

11. 為免存疑,BowtieCash不可兌換現金。

12. 任何保單上的BowtieCash餘額不得超過100,000的上限。倘保單的BowtieCash餘額超過該上限,所有超過上限的BowtieCash將按照「先進先出」原則作廢。Bowtie保留調高或調低任何保單的BowtieCash上限的權利。

13. 一份保單下的 BowtieCash 不可轉讓予任何其他保單。

14. 保單持有人及受保人同意受保泰自願醫保保單的相關條款及細則的約束。

15. Bowtie 保留因保單持有人及/或受保人採取任何欺詐行為而取消保單下的 BowtieCash 餘額的權利。

16. Bowtie 概不對因任何技術或系統問題造成的 BowtieCash 損失負責。

17. Bowtie 概不對 BowtieCash 將被準確分配予保單持有人作出任何保證。Bowtie 概不對因 Bowtie 無法控制的任何原因造成未能或延遲將BowtieCash 獎賞予保單承擔任何責任。

18. 在任何情況下(包括其高級人員、僱員、董事、合夥人或在法律上可能承擔責任的其他人士的疏忽行為或不作為),Bowtie 概不對保單持有人、受保人或任何第三方因參加或參與本計劃而可能蒙受的任何性質的任何損失或損害承擔任何責任。保單持有人同意本計劃條款及細則,即表明同意對 Bowtie 作出相應彌償保證。

19. 保單持有人參與 BowtieCash 計劃,即表明同意接收有關BowtieCash計劃的推廣內容。就保泰自願醫保保單的保單持有人而言,保單持有人同意接收有關本計劃的推廣內容,並不取代他/她先前就是否從 Bowtie 接收直銷材料作出的指示。請參閱 Bowtie 的個人資料及私隱聲明。

20. 倘本計劃條款及細則的任何部份或任何其他管轄文件的一部份因任何原因被裁定為無效或不可強制執行,該條文或本計劃條款及細則的一部份須視作與本計劃條款及細則及有關其他管轄文件分離,本計劃條款及細則的其餘部份須仍具有十足的效力及作用,可在最大限度內予以強制執行。

21. 本計劃條款及細則以及 Bowtie 就本計劃發佈的其他文件概未賦予任何並非Bowtie保單持有人的人士強制執行任何條文的權利。

22. 本計劃條款及細則受香港特別行政區法律管轄,將根據香港特別行政區法律解釋,以及受現行監管規定的規限。

23. Bowtie 可酌情更改本計劃條款及細則(不論全部或部份,不論是否發出通知,不論關於本計劃的何種方面(包括本計劃的終止))。若Bowtie 作出任何重大更改,我們將盡力在該更改事件發生前至少七天通知保單持有人。有關本計劃條款及細則的最新版本,請瀏覽 Bowtie 網站。請保單持有人務必在 Bowtie 更改本計劃條款及細則時進行審閱。一經在 Bowtie 網站顯示,更改將立即生效。對於因本計劃條款及細則的任何修訂而導致的任何損失或損害,Bowtie 概不負責。

24. 倘對 BowtieCash 於保單下的獎賞、分配或運用有任何爭議,Bowtie 的決定將為最終及決定性的決定。

25. 倘本計劃條款及細則的英文版本與其他語言版本(如有)之間存在任何差異,概以英文版本為準。

(1) 根據條款及細則第64部份(「原有疾病」)
(2) 根據第1號補充文件第1(f)條(「額外醫療保障」)

BowtieCash Program – Campaign Rules

Last updated: July 18, 2024

BowtieCash Program ("Program") is a loyalty and rewards scheme operated solely by Bowtie Life Insurance Company Limited ("Bowtie") for rewarding Bowtie's Policy Holders ("Policy Holders"). The following terms and conditions set out the details of the rules and operation of the Program ("Program Terms and Conditions").

The Program offers ex gratia claim reimbursement enhancements and health service redemptions which aims to reward policyholders. The objective is to enhance claim reimbursement in respect of a claim lodged by a Policy Holder and health service redemptions, based on the level of BowtieCash accumulated by the Policy Holder under this Program. BowtieCash can only be redeemed through the insurance and claim services and health service redemptions of Bowtie and cannot be directly redeemed for cash.

As Bowtie seeks to continue to improve the Program, these Program Terms and Conditions may change over time. It is important that the Policy Holder understands that Bowtie has the right to unilaterally amend this Program at any time, and at Bowtie’s sole discretion. This is not a legally enforceable insurance contract.

By participating in the Program, Policy Holder is deemed to have read, fully understand and agrees to abide by the Program Terms and Conditions.

Part 1 General Condition

Section 1 Earning BowtieCash

1. Bowtie may award BowtieCash to new and/or existing Policy Holders for their participation in promotional activities operated by Bowtie from time to time. Should a Policy Holder withdraw from such activities (including but not limited to delayed or lack of response to take actions by a certain date, and reversal of policy transactions), his/her entitlement to the relevant BowtieCash is forfeited.

2. BowtieCash are awarded and allocated to Bowtie policies solely at the discretion of Bowtie.

Section 2 Application of BowtieCash

3. Unless otherwise defined in these Program Terms and Conditions, all capitalized terms used in this Program Terms and Conditions will have the same meanings ascribed to them in the Terms and Conditions of Bowtie VHIS Plans.

4. BowtieCash can be applied on an ex gratia basis to enhance claim reimbursement when a Policy Holder under a Bowtie VHIS Plan makes a claim for Eligible Expenses. When the Policy Holder makes a claim:

  • The policyholder can choose whether or not to use BowtieCash.
  • Eligible Expenses should be met by the benefits under the Policy in the first instance.
  • If the amount of Eligible Expenses is in excess of the benefit limits and the balance of BowtieCash on the day when the Eligible Expenses are incurred is not zero or less, the BowtieCash to be applied will be the said excess or the balance of BowtieCash on the day when the Eligible Expenses are incurred, whichever is the lower.
  • The balance of BowtieCash after a claim will be reduced by the amount of BowtieCash applied under a claim.

5. The target ex gratia adjustment is for BowtieCash to be applied on a one-to-one basis: specifically, one Hong Kong Dollar (HKD) of BowtieCash can be applied towards one HKD of a claim for Eligible Expenses. Should the Eligible Expenses be incurred in other currencies, they shall be converted into HKD in accordance with the Term and Conditions under the Bowtie VHIS Policy. It is important that the Policy Holder understands this adjustment is made on an ex gratia basis and therefore Bowtie has full discretion over the way in which the balance of BowtieCash is applied towards a claim.

6. When lodging a claim under a Policy with BowtieCash balance, the Policy Holder understands and agrees that:

  • Benefit schedule, exclusions, Terms and Conditions of Bowtie VHIS Plans are applicable to all benefits payable under the Program at the inception of these Program Terms and Conditions and at each Renewal (where applicable).
  • Benefits payable are subjected to specific case-based exclusion(s) due to a Pre-existing Condition or other factor that affects the insurability of the Insured Person notified to the Company in the Application.
  • BowtieCash cannot be used to cover any expenses that are not reimbursable under the Policy Holder’s Bowtie VHIS Plan due to the application of the reimbursement ratio for unknown pre-existing conditions(1) and/or the Adjustment Factor for ward class(2).
  • All benefits payable to the Policy Holder shall be on a reimbursement basis of the actual amounts of Eligible Expenses incurred as stated in the Terms and Conditions and the Benefit Schedule of the Bowtie VHIS Policy.
  • If the Policy Holder has taken out other insurance coverage besides this BowtieCash Program, the Policy Holder shall have the right to claim under any such other insurance coverage or this BowtieCash Program. However, if the Policy Holder or the Insured Person has already recovered all or part of the expenses from any such other insurance coverage, the Company shall only be liable for such amount of Eligible Expense, if any, which is not compensated by any such other insurance coverage.
  • The total amount of Eligible Expenses payable under this BowtieCash Program and Bowtie VHIS Policy shall not exceed the actual costs for Medical Services provided to the Insured Person.

7. BowtieCash can also be used to redeem health and wellness products and services (“Health Services”). The party providing the Health Services may be us or any of our designated partners. The redemption of any Health Services may be subject to further terms and conditions. If the policyholder chooses to redeem Health Services: 

  • The redeemed health services cannot be transferred to persons other than the policyholder and the insured, and cannot be exchanged, returned, or converted into other gifts or cash.
  • Some Health Services may expire if the policyholder does not take actions to use them. If Bowtie specifies a time or actions that the policyholder  must take to use the Health Service and the policyholder fails to follow those instructions, then the policyholder may lose the entitlement to that Health Service. 
  • It is your choice whether or not and which, if any, of the Health Services you redeem and use. 
  • The policyholder or insured may need to pay for the redeemed Health Services. For example, in some circumstances The policyholder or insured may need to engage one of Bowtie’s partnered medical doctors to complete a Health Service and they may need to pay additional for it notwithstanding they redeemed BowtieCash for it. Such information will be communicated to the policyholders or insured before they choose to redeem health services.
  • In some circumstances, the policyholder or insured may be required to enter into a contract with Bowtie's partners to redeem or use certain Health Services. Bowtie will not be a party to any contract between the policyholder and Bowtie's partners, and Bowtie  will have no liability in connection with that contract.  Bowtie are not responsible or liable for, and Bowtie  does not guarantee, endorse or recommend: 
    • the qualifications or expertise of any Bowtie's partners;
    • any actions, products or services of any Bowtie's partners, including whether they are merchantable or fit for any particular purpose or provided with due care and skill; 
    • any information or advice provided by any Bowtie's partners;
    • any content on partners websites or other platforms; and
    • the availability of any of the Products or Services from any of Bowtie's partners. 
  • Some Health Services may not be available at all times, or in some locations, or to certain age groups. Bowtie will not be liable to the policyholder or insured for any Health Services not being available to them.
  • The policyholder or the insured uses the Health Services at their own risk. The Health Services available through BowtieCash redemptions and the information and materials provided to the individual policyholder or insured may not be suitable for all members. 
  • Redemptions of Health Services through BowtieCash does not constitute medical advice and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment. The policyholder and the insured should consult their doctor or the appropriate professionals independent of BowtieCash in relation to their personal circumstances including any health or medical condition.

Bowtie and its partners reserve the right of final decision on the health services (whether redeemed or not), and have the right to suspend, terminate or substitute all or part of the original services and offers with items of equal value and/or specifications and change the details of the services without prior notice.

8. Bowtie can, at any time, withdraw, suspend or amend any usage or benefit of BowtieCash at our sole discretion, with or without notice.

Section 3 Miscellaneous

9. The application of BowtieCash shall follow the first-in first-out principle, under which the earliest BowtieCash will be applied towards a claim.

10. BowtieCash will be expired on the earliest of: -

  • seven (7) years after the day BowtieCash were awarded;
  • the Insured Person reaching age 65; and
  • the day when the Policy to which the BowtieCash is related is terminated.

11. For the avoidance of doubt, BowtieCash is not convertible into cash.

12. The balance of BowtieCash on any Policy shall not exceed a limit of 100,000. If a Policy has a balance exceeding this limit, then all BowtieCash exceeding the limit are forfeited following the first-in first-out principle. Bowtie reserves the right to raise or lower the BowtieCash limit on any Policy.

13. BowtieCash under a Policy is not transferable to any other Policy.

14. The Policy Holder and the Insured Person agree to be bound by the relevant Terms and Conditions of Bowtie VHIS Policy(s).

15. Bowtie reserves the right to cancel the balance of BowtieCash under a Policy as a result of any fraudulent action taken by the Policy Holder and/or the Insured Person.

16. Bowtie is not responsible for the loss of BowtieCash due to any technological or system problems.

17. Bowtie makes no warranty that the BowtieCash will be accurately allocated to the Policy Holder. Bowtie accepts no liability for any failure or delay in awarding BowtieCash to a Policy due to any reasons beyond Bowtie’s control.

18. Under no circumstances, including as a result of its negligent acts or omissions or those of its officers, employees, directors, partners or other persons for whom in law it may be liable, shall Bowtie be liable for any loss or damage of any nature which the Policy Holder, the Insured Person or any third parties may sustain as a result of engagement or participation in the Program. By agreeing to these Program Terms and Conditions, Policy Holder agrees to indemnify Bowtie accordingly.

19. By participating in the BowtieCash Program, Policy Holder agrees to receive promotional content regarding the BowtieCash Program. For Policy Holder of a Bowtie VHIS Policy, Policy consent to receive promotional content regarding this program does not supersede his/her previous instruction as to whether to receive direct marketing materials from Bowtie. Please refer to Bowtie’s Personal Data & Privacy Statement.

20. If for any reason, any part of these Program Terms and Conditions or part of any other governing documentation is found to be void or unenforceable, such provision or part of the Program Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to be severed from these Program Terms and Conditions and such other governing documentation and the remainder of these Program Terms and Conditions shall remain in full force and effect and may be enforced to the fullest extent possible.

21. These Program Terms and Conditions and other documents issued by Bowtie relating to the Program do not give any person who is not a Bowtie Policy Holder any right to enforce any of the provisions.

22. These Program Terms and Conditions are governed by and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and are subject to prevailing regulatory requirements.

23. Bowtie may at its discretion vary these Program Terms and Conditions (in whole or part, with or without notice, to any aspect of the Program, including terminating the Program). If Bowtie makes any material changes, we will try to notify Policy Holders at least 7 days in advance in the event of such variation(s). The most updated version of these Program Terms and Conditions is available on the Bowtie website. It is important that the Policy Holder review these Program Terms and Conditions whenever Bowtie changes them, as the changes will be effective immediately upon being displayed on the Bowtie website. Bowtie shall not be liable for any loss or damage resulting from any amendments to these Program Terms and Conditions.

24. In case of any dispute in relation to the award, allocation or application of BowtieCash under a Policy, the decision of Bowtie shall be final and conclusive.

25. If there is any discrepancy between the English version of these Program Terms and Conditions and those versions in other languages (if any), the English version shall prevail.

(1) In accordance with section Part 6 4. Pre-existing Condition(s) in Terms and Conditions
(2) In accordance with section 1(f) (“Supplementary major medical benefit”) in Supplement No. 1