Bowtie 3 月限時優惠之條款及細則

Bowtie 3 月限時優惠(「此優惠」)只適用於 2025 年 2 月 28 日至 2025 年 3 月 31 日期間(包括首尾兩天)(「推廣期」)期間成功批核及獲繕發之指定保單(「合資格保單」)

  1. 新客戶使用優惠碼【TAXNOMORE】於推廣期內成功投保合資格保單,可享有以下優惠:
    • 任何 Bowtie 自願醫保:首年保費 5 折;
    • 任何 Bowtie 危疾保:首年保費 5 折;
    • Bowtie 人壽保:首年保費 5 折;
    • Bowtie 戰癌保或 Bowtie 觸木保:首年保費 5 折。
  2. 新客戶是指從未持有或成為任何 Bowtie 個人保險保單的受保人。
  3. Bowtie對此優惠保留最終決定權,並有權終止或用同等價值及/或規格的獎品代替原先全部或部份服務及優惠而不作事前通知。
  4. 任何因電腦、網路等技術問題導致投保人所遞交的資料有所遲延、遺失、錯誤的情況,Bowtie 毋須負上任何責任。所有與投保有關之日期及時間(包括但不限推廣期)均以 Bowtie 的時間紀錄為準。

Bowtie Mar Limited-time Offer Terms and Conditions

Bowtie March Limited-time Offer ("the Offer") is only applicable to the policy ("Eligible Policy") that is successfully submitted and issued from Feb 28, 2025 to Mar 31, 2025 (”Promotion Period”).

  1. New customer who successfully applies with the promo code【TAXNOMORE】for designated products can enjoy the following offers:
    • Any Bowtie VHIS Plan: 50% off first-year premium;
    • Any Bowtie Critical Illness Plan: 50% off first-year premium;
    • Bowtie Term Life: 50% off first-year premium
    • Bowtie Cancer Fighter and Bowtie Touchwood Protector: 50% off first-year premium.
  2. “New Customer” refers to the insured person who has never been under the protection of or held any Bowtie individual insurance policy.
  3. Bowtie reserve the right of final decision on the above promotions and reserve the right to suspend, terminate, or substitute with an alternative gift with equal monetary value and/or specification and change the details of the offer without prior notice.
  4. Bowtie will not be liable for any matter or loss in relation to submission delay, loss, and any information transmission error due to technical problems including but not limited to any computer or internet network issues. All dates and times related to the Offer.