VHIS provides reimbursement-basis coverage for hospitalization expenses
If you need a medical insurance for:
Day Surgery
Inpatient Treatment
Diagnostic Tests
Medical Examination
You get broader coverages from Flexi Plan
Number of Benefit Items
Benefit limit for each item
Annual Benefit Limit
Lifetime benefit limit
12 - 16
> 12
> 12
Standard Plan
Flexi Plan
High End VHIS
HK$500 - 5M
> HK$20M
> HK$500K
Transparent premiums
Guaranteed Renewal until age of 100
Coverage for diagnostic imaging costs
(CT, MRI and PET included)
No waiting period
Protection in effect right when policy is in force
Coverage for pre-existing conditions
Coverage for Day Surgery
Tax Deduction
Coverage for inpatient mental illness treatment
(Even the Insured Person's health is worsen after policy is in effect)
(Info accessible on VHIS official website)
Coverage of the standard plan offered by different companies is similar. You may choose by comparing premiums directly!
While the most expensive plan out there cost HK$342 & HK$352.5 per month
per month
30-year-oldnon-smoking male
per month
30-year-oldnon-smoking female
Say total premiums of all 3 policies is HK$10,000, Mr Chan can apply a tax deduction for the HK$10,000.
Policyholder could do so with the premium they paid for VHIS
Max. qualifying premium per insured is HK$8,000
Mr Chan is the policyholder for all 3 policies.
Premium x Tax Rate = Tax Dedcution Amount
Premiums discount on the first year can easily deviate your attention. Choose a policy only if the premium itself is cost effective!
Annual cost of cancer targeted therapy and immunotherapy is ~HK$1 million, meaning you may not need >HK$10 millions of benefit limits.
The no. of VHIS policies sold has reached 1,045,000 in 3 years. 65% of claim cases have claim ratio ≥ 90%. You should choose the company with a claim record that aligns with the market average!
Do I need to visit designated doctors/hospitals?
Are doctors and hospital visits outside Hong Kong included?
Is outpatient covered?
Is dental treatment covered?
Sure, except for psychiatric treatment, which is limited to HK only.
Yes! pre-and post-hospitalization, diagnostic imaging tests, to non-surgical cancer treatment are all protected! (no. of visit & benefit is limited)
VHIS only covers dental treatment caused by accidents.
No, your preference on doctor / hospital is not limited for all the standard coverage items.