Life Insurance Learning Centre
1 What is Life Insurance?
Life insurance is one of the most common insurance products, but do you have enough knowledge about it? Who needs life insurance? Let's understand what life insurance is.
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2 Types of Life Insurance
What is the difference between term life and whole life? And how can we compare different types of life insurance products? Let's learn in an easy-to-understand way!
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3 Sum Assured and Premiums
How much life coverage is sufficient? What is a reasonable premium? And what factors affect the cost of premiums? Here are some suggestions to help to pick the life insurance plan works best for you!
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4 Apply and Claim for Life Insurance
After choosing the right life insurance product, how do you apply for it? And what should you do when filing a claim? This step-by-step guide helps you complete the application and claims process with ease.
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5 Other Factors for Consideration
No matter you have purchased the life insurance or not, there can be many questions. Explore the common coverage scope, exclusions and other important factors.
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6 Jargons of Life Insurance
Confused by certain technical terms when browsing life insurance products on your own? This part will quickly break down common terms to answer your questions.
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