The premium for cancer insurance


The premium for cancer insurance

As cancer becomes increasingly common, many insurance companies have launched cancer insurance plans. The premiums for these plans vary greatly, with premiums for women of the same age being more than twice as expensive as those for men. Bowtie can now compare the premiums and benefit limits of the four major cancer insurance plans in Hong Kong.

Which cancer insurance plan is the best?

By comparing the cancer insurance premiums of three major insurance companies in Hong Kong, the following chart shows the monthly premiums required for insured individuals of different ages and the average monthly premiums calculated by the three insurance companies. This is for reference only:

Non-smoking male

Insurance ComapnyBowtieCompany ACompany XCompanyPMarket Average*
PlanCancer Figher 300Plan APlan XPlan P
Suggested WardSemi-Private Room
Lifetime Benefit Limit3,000,000
AgeMonthly Premium (HKD)
2040 ✅53615456
3057  ✅82868183
40121  ✅125126124125
50216  ✅264259265263
60574  ✅652610642635
SourceBowtieSeasonalifeSeasonalifeCompany PN/A
  • *Premiums have been adjusted to the nearest integer based on rounding rules; the premium data was last updated in January 2020.
  • #Please note that the coverage scope of each cancer insurance plan may be different. For details, please refer to the information provided by each insurance company. If you have any inquiries regarding the above comparison, please feel free to contact Bowtie's Customer Service representatives.

Non-smoking Female

Insurance ComapnyBowtieCompany ACompany XCompanyPMarket Average*
PlanCancer Figher 300Plan APlan XPlan P
Suggested WardSemi-Private Room
Lifetime Benefit Limit3,000,000
AgeMonthly Premium (HKD)
2049  ✅65706366
3094  ✅117115112115
40263262250  ✅254255
50408  ✅466450467461
60605630590  ✅619613
SourceBowtieSeasonalifeSeasonalifeCompany PN/A
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Next article - Things to pay attention to when purchasing cancer insurance
Before buying cancer insurance, you should pay attention to these 3 things!
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