Women have several unique organs that men do not have, such as the external genitalia, uterus, ovaries, and breasts. Diseases affecting these organs are collectively referred to as gynecological diseases or women’s diseases. Gynecological diseases often present with warning signs or symptoms, which may indicate the need for an examination for diagnosis or treatment.
Considering various common women’s diseases such as urinary tract infections, vaginal infections, uterine fibroids, breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and menstrual disorders, you may need to undergo an examination if you experience the following warning signs or symptoms:
Females who are 18 years old or older, have completed development, or have engaged in sexual activity are eligible for gynecological examinations. Gynecologists typically recommend regular gynecological check-ups for women aged 25 or above.
Age 25 or below:
Age 25 to 39:
Age 40 to 65:
Breast tissue is examined using X-ray imaging to obtain mammograms.
Widely used for breast cancer diagnosis and screening.
Suitable for:
Women aged 40 or above.
High-frequency sound waves are directed at breast tissue, and the varying degrees of penetration due to differing densities are converted into a 3D image of the breast tissue for examination.
Used to detect various breast-related conditions, such as breast cancer, fibroadenomas, and breast cysts.
Suitable for:
Women under the age of 40.
A speculum is inserted into the vagina, and a sample of cells is taken from the surface of the cervix using a scraper or brush and sent for laboratory testing.
Checks for cervical cell abnormalities and allows for early detection and treatment if necessary.
Suitable for:
Ultrasound is used to scan the organs in the pelvic cavity to assess the condition of the uterus and ovaries and evaluate the presence of any abnormalities.
Can detect various conditions, including uterine fibroids and ovarian cancer.
Two different energy levels of X-rays are used to analyze the bone mineral density of the lumbar spine and hip bones to assess the level of bone loss within the body.
Prevents osteoporosis, estimates the risk of future fractures, and evaluates the effectiveness of osteoporosis treatment.
Suitable for:
Women aged 50 or above.
Blood is drawn to test for thyroid hormones and antibody markers.
Diagnoses diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism.
Suitable for:
Women aged 20 or above.
Non-invasive thyroid examination using ultrasound to check for any abnormalities in the thyroid gland.
Can detect thyroid nodules, thyroiditis, neck lumps, and calcifications in the neck.
Blood or vaginal secretion samples are taken and tested in a laboratory.
To check for sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and HIV.
Suitable for:
Individuals who suspect they have a sexually transmitted disease or are sexually active.
Regular gynecological examinations can help detect various female health conditions at an early stage for prevention. The following are the fee ranges for the gynecological examination items mentioned above:
Hospital/Clinic | Examination Items | Pricing |
Bowtie & JP Health | Breast X-ray (2D) | From $1,500 |
Breast ultrasound | From HK$1,250 | |
Pap smear test (cervical cancer) | HK$600 | |
Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong | Pelvic ultrasound | From HK$1,600 |
Osteoporosis screening program | HK$4,300 | |
Thyroid blood test | From HK$740 | |
Thyroid ultrasound | From HK$1,800 | |
The Family Planning Association of Hong Kong | Sexually transmitted disease (STD) screening | From HK$250 |
Most gynecological examinations can be completed in a clinic setting without the need for hospitalization.
It is advisable to wear loose-fitting casual clothing, avoid one-piece suits, tight clothing, stockings, and high-heeled shoes.
It is recommended for women to schedule gynecological examinations after their menstrual period to avoid interference with test results. Menstruation can affect the examination results and certain physiological changes in the body, such as breast swelling and ovarian cysts.
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